Part 11: Depression

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~Song Young's POV~

On my way home, I had a big smile spread across my face. I felt like the happiest girl in the world. When we arrived at my house I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay by his side for a bit longer.

"Thanks for the ride" I thanked him and opened the door.

"Aye, I'm supposed to open the door for you" Jungkook grinned looking at me as I stepped out.

"Do you expect me to sit back down again and close the door for you to open it for me?" I questioned him raising my right eyebrow. He nodded and got off to open the door for me. He made his way to my side and opened it just like a gentleman.

"Here" He said giving his hand out for me to grab hold of.

"Thank you" I held onto his warm hands making my way out of the car.

"Thank you again for the surprise party!" I added and politely bowed.

"Aye, you don't need to be so formal, it makes me uncomfortable" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll get going now, I think my brother's waiting for me inside" I continued and gave him one last smile before I walked to the door.

"Goodnight" He waved and I waved back. I turned around and walked to the door but I felt a pair of arms wrap itself around my waist. I was shocked by his action as I didn't expect him to be this type of person. I thought he was awkward around girls...

"Let's stay like this for a bit" He whispered into my ear still back hugging me. Standing next to him, I was only around his nose making me 162cm tall. Aigoo...I wish I was a bit taller.

He broke the hug and I turned around to see a tomato faced Jungkook.

"Hahahaha" I let out an evil laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked in confusion.

"Your face" I said poking his cheeks.

"What's wrong with my face?" He asked still confused.

He walked to the side mirror of his car to see that he was burning up. He cupped his face with his hands and walked back to me.

"Better?" He asked cutely holding his face in his palms.

"Nope" I responded and let out another laugh.

"I'll see you Monday" I said making my way to the door still laughing at his face.

I knocked on the door expecting my brother to open it but as it swung open a familiar face appeared. It was Lee Cindy, my brother's co-worker.

"Unnie! What are you doing here?" I asked trying to look for my brother as she was blocking my way.

"Oh, I just came to pick up some paperwork from your brother" She explained.

"I better get going now, see you another time!" She added waving at me and I returned it by giving her a smile.

"Yong Suk oppa! Where are you?" I yelled out as I took my shoes off.

"Here!" He replied from the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked ascending to the kitchen.

"Just cleaning up the dishes" He replied.

"I'll head to my room now" I said lazily walking to my room.

"Yah! Song Young!" I heard him yelling from the kitchen.


"What was the emergency?"

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