Part 19: Exposed

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~Song Young's POV~

"J-Jang Ji Tae?" Jimin asked surprised to see who it was in front of him.

"Jimin! Long time no see!" Ji Tae greeted enthusiastically reaching out his hand for a handshake.

"What do you want?" Jimin asked coldly rejecting the handshake.

"Wow. Rude" Ji Tae replied retreating his hand and snuck it back in his pocket.

"How have you been my friend?" He added and Jimin stood there glaring at Ji Tae.

"Friend? Since when did I say you were my friend?" Jimin asked back stepping closer. Although Jimin was shorter than him, Ji Tae still backed away.

"Jimin, let's go" I interfered just in case they start a fight. I dragged Jimin by the wrist back home with tears streaming down my face.

"Why is he back?" Jimin asked all of a sudden.

"He came to my house in the morning but he didn't do anything, don't worry" I admitted.

"Don't worry? What do you mean don't worry? He's hurt you in the past, he's going to come back for you again" Jimin yelled back being too overprotective.

"He won't do-"

"Yes he will! If he's done it before, he can do it again!" Jimin scolded cutting me off. I stood there in silence thinking twice about what Jimin has said, I guess he's right.

"Let's go" Jimin said breaking the cold silence and I followed behind him.




We arrived at my house and it was dead silent. We walked inside to see 6 boys on the couch watching t.v and they were crying. No wonder, they were watching 'miracle in cell number 7', I mean boys can cry too.

"Oh Song Young, come join us" V said gesturing me to come sit with him.

"I've watched this like 5 times already" I said in a bored tone.

"Who cares, it's still good" V argued.

"I guess" I admitted and went over to sit in between V and Jungkook. We were near the end of the movie when I already fell asleep.

~Jungkook's POV~

While watching the movie I felt a head leaning against my shoulder, it was Song Young. Strands of dark brown hair was covering her face so I gently tucked them behind her ear, revealing her beautiful face. I looked up to the rest of the group to see that they were all concentrated on the t.v except for Jimin, he clearly was annoyed with something, but what?

"Jimin, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked walking over to Jimin.

"Sure" He answered and we made our way to the backyard.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a concerned face.

"I should be asking you that" I replied looking him in the eye.

"You know Ji Tae right?" He asked and I was shocked...did she tell him?

"Well, I came back from the convenience store and found him sitting next to Song Young" He added.

"You left her there by herself? He could've kidnapped her or something" I bursted in anger.

"I know, it was my fault" Jimin apologised looking down at his shoes.

"It's fine, at least she didn't get hurt" I sighed in relief.

"We have to be careful from now on, he's a very dangerous person" Jimin warned biting his nail.

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