Part 23: Shopping

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~Song Young's POV~

"Have you ever thought of breaking up with me?" I asked. I really don't want them to stress because of me, they're already stressing with their schedules. I've already caused them so much trouble, I don't want to cause anymore.

"Song Young-ah, stop talking nonsense" He replied while his tears stream down his face.

"Yah! Stop crying, it's not like I'm actually breaking up with you" Or will I? Soon.

"I'm just asking" I added fiddling with my fingers. To be honest, I think he deserves better. He's been losing sleep and has not been focusing in school, because of me. Who knows, he might've not been focusing on his training too.

"Jungkook-ah, can I be frank with you. I think-" He cut me off as he leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips.

"You talk too much" He said giving me a smile walking to the other side of my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Sleeping, I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was thinking about you" He explained.

"Oh my god, stop being so cheesy" I cringed and he chuckled pulling the blanket over his body.

"Ahh, so warm" He sighed slowly closing his eyes. I turned, facing him to give him a quick peck on the lips and he smiled pulling me close into his chest.

"Saranghae" He whispered with his eyes still closed.

"Nado, saranghae" I replied digging my face into his chest.




"Song Young-ah, wake up" I heard a voice waking me up.

"Jimin?" I asked adjusting my eyesight.

"Cindy noona's here to visit you" He said.

"Jinja?!" I bursted, excited to see her. I rushed out the door to see her talking to the rest of the members.

"UNNIE!" I bubbled giving her a tight hug.

"Song Young! I haven't seen you for quite a while, how have you been?" She asked taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm fine, how about you?" I asked back.

"I'm great, I just came from the hospital after visiting Yong Suk" She explained and I nodded.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He's less paler than before" She said holding onto my hand.

"Ommo, what happened to you?" She asked, placing her thumb on my lips.

"Unnie, Ji Tae's back" I explained as my eyes started to tear up.

"What?! As in Jang Ji Tae? Your step brother?" She asked surprised making sure if it was him or not and I nodded.

"Noona, you know Ji Tae as well?" Jimin butted in and she nodded.

"I dated him when we were young but I was stupid enough to actually like him back, all he did was use me to get attention" She cried breaking into tears and I tried comforting her by rubbing her back.

"But what did he do to you this time?" She asked holding onto my cheeks.

"He taped me to the chair last night and even threw me a punch" I explained as the warm tears formed in my eyes.

"WHAT?! HE THREW YOU A PUNCH?" She yelled standing up from her seat.

"Unnie, I'm fine" I replied giving her a weak smile.

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