Part 21: First Snow

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~Jungkook's POV~

"SONG YOUNG!" Sam yelled from the room and we all ran towards the two.

"What's wrong?" V asked being the first to enter the room.

"Song Young fainted again" Sam cried.

"Jungkook, carry her to her room" Jin demanded and I walked to her, slowly picking her up in my arms.

"Song Young-ah, stop doing this to me" I pleaded carrying her into her room. I put her down slowly and began crying seeing her lifeless body resting on the bed.




Everyone at the dinner table was all so quiet, including Song Young. No one dared to talk. No one dared to even look at each other.

"I'm done" Song Young announced breaking the awkward silence and I looked over to see she's barely eaten anything.

"You've barely eaten anything" I said looking at her bowl.

"I'm full" She replied picking up her bowl.

"Put that down" Jimin said and she did as she was told.

"Sit down" Jimin demanded again and she did.

"Eat" He added and Song Young picked up her spoon and took a spoonful.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to break the picture" Suga apologised.

"I know" She responded.

"I'm being serious" Suga said.

"I know" She nodded putting the spoon in her mouth.

"I'm sorry too, for raising my voice" She apologised.

"Is it over now? No more awkward silences?" Rapmon asked and she nodded followed by Suga.

"I'll treat you next time! Anything you want" Suga offered.

"Call!" Song Young said making a deal to Suga and the rest of the group laughed it off.

~Song Young's POV~

~Friday Morning~

"Song Young!" Sarah squealed making her way towards me.

"Sarah! How was your trip to Japan?" I asked.

"It was fun, oh and I got you and Jungkook this" She said giving me two necklaces that had our names written on it.

"Woah! It's so pretty" I complimented giving her a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I thanked hugging her even tighter.

"I'll give it to Jungkook after school" I said admiring the necklace.

"Oh yeah! He's taking you out right?" Sarah asked and I shyly nodded.

"Ooo. Spend your time with him well!" She added gripping onto my arm.

"I will!" I replied giving her a smile.




~After School~

"I'll drive you home and I'll pick you up at around 6" Jungkook said as we made our way to his car.

"Okay!" I squealed jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Where are we going again?" I asked.

"Secret" He replied placing his index finger on his lips.

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