Part 2: Interest

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~Jungkook's POV~

"Is there a problem Ms Jang? Mr Jeon?" Mrs Park asked because of our sudden outbursts.

"Uhh, no miss" I answered hesitantly .

Oh wait, Jang Song Young? As in, the one I bumped into in the morning?! Aish, why her? I looked over to see Song Young covering her face with her hair. She must be embarrassed from what happened earlier. I walked over to her and let out a cough to get her attention.

"Oh, you can uhh, sit here" She said still having her hair covering her face.

"Where are you going to sit then?" I asked amusedly.

"Uhh, I'll just sit on the floor" She answered.

"How about we sit on there floor in the corner over there" I pointed.

"O...okay" She said walking fast to the corner.

I followed her in my own pace and sat myself in front of her. She opened her laptop and hid her face behind the screen.

A few minutes passed and none of us had said anything. I tried starting a conversation but I don't know what to say...

"So, you wanna pick a topic to research on?" I asked breaking the cold silence.

"Youcanpick" She said in one go.

"How about music?" I said. Music? Seriously Jungkook? Nice one...

"Sure" She said without hesitation.

"Do you like music?" I asked now trying to look at her through the screen.

"Yeah, I play piano. I sing too but I'm like really crap at them so..." She said lifting her head up slowly.

"Waa, you must be really good! I want to hear you play piano and sing one day" I said in amazement. Wow, she can sing?

"No you don't want to" She said returning back to hiding behind her laptop screen.

"Do you do anything else apart from playing piano and singing?" I asked now very interested.

"I like to dance. I do swimming and yeah..." She said now looking at me.

"Woah, so talented. I wish I could swim..." I said rubbing the back of my neck and a sweet smile appeared on her face. Who knew this quiet girl was so talented.

"So you wanna get started?" I asked.

"Umm...okay" She said staring at her screen. Her eyes, I swear they're burning with determination and life as I watch her eyes dart across her laptop screen.

After a while of working, the bell rang and we were dismissed for recess.

"How much have you done?" I asked her when she was packing her books into a pile besides her.

"Oh... I only researched about the history of Korean music" She said sheepishly looking down at her shoes.

"Lol, me too don't worry" I said in a childish voice and she let out a little laugh.

~Song Young's POV~


I was walking to my locker to put my books away when someone slammed my locker shut. It was Oh Mina and her 'gang'.

"C...can I help you?" I stuttered surprised.

"What were you talking about while you were with Jungkook oppa?" She hissed staring into my eyes. I swear she could even see my shaking soul inside.

"We were just deciding on a topic" I said looking down at my shoes.

"Well, I wonder why you guys were laughing and giving little smiles to each other" She hissed now getting closer with her arms crossed across her chest.

"We were jus-" I got cut off when she gave me a hard slap on my face. I covered my right cheek with my palm from the stinging pain but I could already feel heat crawling up to my cheeks. She gave a smirk and patted my head.

"Now, now, don't be scared. Just be a good girl and no one will hurt you. You know what that means right? Stay away from Jungkook oppa is all you need to do. Have I made this clear?" She whispered threateningly into my ear as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Crystal...clear" I answered slowly.

"Good" She replied giving me a deadly smile and she walked away with her gang trailing after her leaving me there in the hallway, alone.

I fell to the ground and buried my face into my knees. I didn't even do anything wrong, why did she hit me? I carried my right cheek in my palm as the pain started to numb. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps ascending down the hallway. I stood up and faked to get something out of my locker so no one sees me crying.

"Yah! I was trying to find you everywhere" It was Hee Yeon, I'm so glad she came...

"What happened to you?" She asked tilting my head to her direction trying to look at my cheek.

"N...nothing, it's fine" I tried acting calm.

"No! You're not fine, who did this?" She asked with worried eyes.

"I accidentally got hit by the uh...door" I lied.

"I'm not stupid, there's a handprint, a very visible one. Don't tell me...OH MINA?!" She screamed the devil's name. I nodded slowly.

"Let's go!" She grabbed my wrist.

"Where are we going?" I asked trying to pull away.

"I'm going to teach Mina and her friends a lesson!" She said grabbing onto my wrist even tighter.

"Hee Yeon-ah, just let it go, it's okay" I pleaded. I really didn't want to cause anymore drama.

"No! It's not okay. She's hurt you too many times and I'm not letting this go!" She argued dragging me through the hallway.

"I said it's okay! Just let it go!" I argued back.

"Fine, I'll let it go this time. But if they are to touch you again, I'm gonna rip their heads off!" She said being serious than ever. It kinda scared me but I'm grateful that I have a friend that is always by my side. Someone I can lean on, someone I can trust.

"Thank you" I whispered underneath my breath relieved that she let it slide for the time being.




The bell rang indicating us to head back to class. We had Mr Kim, our science teacher. We were in the lab today and Hee Yeon was sitting next to me swiping through her phone sending streaks to people on snapchat before Mr Kim came. When I heard footsteps ascending down the hallway, I quickly gave Hee Yeon a nudge and she immediately slid her phone into her blazer pocket. Mr Kim walked in eyeing all of us as we all settled and went quiet.

"I'm going to put you into groups of 4 for this prac" He told us.

What?! Uhh what's with all the teachers putting us into groups today? Please don't put me with Jeon Jungkook again...please.

"Kim Ji Soo, Park Sung Min, Min Yu Na and Jung Ji Hun, you're one group. Kang Hee Yeon, Kim Se Ju, Lee Cindy and Yang Min Soo, you're one group. Jeon Jungkook, Oh Mina, Do Kyung Soo and Jang Song Young, you're a group. And I think that's all of you"

Are you kidding me?!

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