Part 18: Illusion

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~Song Young's POV~

"Is Song Young home?" A familiar voice asked from the door.

No, it can't be him...

"Yes she is, but who are you?" Jungkook asked.

"Jang Ji Tae, Song Young's step brother" He replied and I suddenly felt like dying. I don't want to see him, I don't want to see his face. I got out of bed not caring about how much it hurts because I'd rather get hurt first before someone else does. I made my way to the door and there he was, showing his dirty smirk.

"Song Young! Long time no see" He said stepping in the house.

"Get back! Don't come near me! Get the f**k away from me!" I bursted into tears trying to back away.

"And you, what are you doing in my house?" Ji Tae asked eyeing Jungkook.

"I-I uh-"

"He's my boyfriend!" I yelled back.

"Boyfriend huh? Why didn't you tell me baby girl? You made me come all the way here and now you tell me you have a boyfriend?" He asked in a fake sweet tone.

"Well, I guess I'm too late then. I'll see you later!" He smiled and waved before leaving.

"Leave! Now!" I screamed not wanting him in my sight. As he left, Jungkook quickly shut the door and ran to me.

"Song Young-ah, why are you out here?" Jungkook worriedly asked.

"Why is he back? Why?!" I asked as my brain wasn't functioning right.

"Jungkook, I-" I stopped mid sentence as my vision went blurry and all I saw was black.


15 year old Song Young~

"Mum?" I asked squinting my eyes to see who it was. It's 11PM, who could possibly still be awake?

"Song Young-ah" A deep voice called out.

"W-who's there?" I stuttered bringing my blanket close to my body.

"Song Young-ah, why are you doing this to me?" The deep voice said again.

"Ji Tae oppa?" I asked thinking it was him.

"Mhm" And so it was...

"What are you doing in my room? Go back to sleep" I said making eye contact with nothing since it was pitch black.

"You're so beautiful" He suddenly said caressing my hair with his rough hands.

"Y-yah! What do you want? Did you drink?" I asked as I began to feel scared and uncomfortable.

"Ani, I'm pointing out the truth" He spoke getting close to me so that I could feel his warmth.

"W-what d-do you want?" I stuttered.

"You" He answered. I had the urge to scream for help but the words couldn't come out.

"Get away from me, please" I pleaded shifting to the other side of the bed but as soon as I did, I felt him shifting along the bed as well.

"Be a good girl and come over here" He ordered but I still couldn't see anyone in the pitch black space.

"Don't come near me or I'll scream!" I yelled back. As I was walking backwards I felt my back hit against the wall. I tried keeping quiet hoping he wouldn't find me but then I felt his body against mine. Shit.

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