Part 9: Surprise

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WARNING: Very long chapter ahead!

~Jungkook's POV~

We arrived in a store filled with birthday supplies and as soon as we stepped in, Hee Yeon bolted to the banner section.

"Ok, we need Happy Birthday Song Young so try finding the letters in this section" Hee Yeon instructed and we tried finding the letters.

"I got a H!" Rap Monster called out.

"I got an A!" Rap Monster called out again.

"I got 2 Ps" He called out straight after again.

"Okay we might as well just take the line you're look through" Hee Yeon approached knowing that the whole line he was looking through spelt happy birthday.

"Now let's look for the letters in Song-"

"Got it, now let's go" Suga said out of nowhere holding onto a pile of letters.

Seeing our shocked and surprised faces, he added, "I found it when you guys were looking for happy birthday" and cooly walked off to the balloon section.

"What colours does she like?" Jin asked.

"Black and white" Hee Yeon stated and we went to the pack of 20 balloons with the black and white ones.

"Aye, should we buy the helium ones?" Jimin asked holding onto the pack of helium balloons.

"Oh yeah and we can play the helium challenge!" V exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Hyung, you're so embarrassing" I muttered noticing the lady at the counter who was trying hard to contain her laughter

"Oh, mian" V apologised and acted as if he did nothing.

"Okay, we got everything?" I asked.

"Nope, still need the party poppers" Hee Yeon said and ran to the packet of party poppers.

Immediately after, she came back.

"Got it, let's go pay for these and get something to eat, i'm hungry" and we walked to the counter and placed the items on the table.

"That'll be a total of 21883.30 wons thank you very much" The lady said and we took out our money and split it into 8. We paid for the items and headed to the closest food store. But when we got to the door, Hee Yeon suddenly pulled us back.

"Don't go in there" Hee Yeon said looking worried.

"Why not?" Jin asked and opened the door.

"SONG YOUNG'S IN THERE!" She yelled which caught the attention of other people outside the store.

"Oh, never mind" Jin said quickly closing the door back.

We turned around and looked through the glass door to find Song Young.

"Guys, run!" Jimin shouted as soon as he saw Song Young stand up from her chair.

"Why is she with Samantha and Sarah?" Hee Yeon asked.

"Jin! V! Stop staring!" Suga shouted and Jin snapped back to reality.

"Hurry, before she catches us!" Hee Yeon shouted and we all ran to the nearest bush.

"Move over!" I shouted trying to fit in.

"Move over hyung!" V hissed at Jimin which caused him to lose his balance and fall over creating a whole line of dominoes tumbling down.

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