Part 12: Lost

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~Song Young's POV~

"Jimin!" My brother yelled out.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Jimin asked surprised to see us.

"Just visiting our parents" Yong Suk replied giving him a warm smile while I'm here glaring at him.

"How about you?" He asked back.

"I was just-"

"Let's go get food!" I interrupted and dragged Yong Suk away from Jimin.

I dragged him far away from Jimin but then he let go of my hand.

"Yah! What was that for?" He asked angrily.

"I wanted food" I pouted.

"Yeah but I was talking to someone, you don't just bug in and drag me away from them. Can you please grow up!" He shouted annoyed and I flinched back as my eyes started getting teary.

After that, he walked away leaving me devastated, crying on my own. I looked down and the tears started escaping my eyes falling onto the concrete. I was about to walk to his car but I heard a car crashing onto something fragile. I turned around to see the person lying unconscious on the concrete ground with blood escaping his body. I slowly walked to the body to examine it can't be. Yong Suk? As I realized who it was, I quickened my pace and ran as fast as I could to him, my one and only brother.

"OPPA!!" I cried out falling onto my knees and rested his head on my leg.

"Please wake up, don't scare me. Please! Yong Suk oppa!!" I yelled out but he didn't respond.

"Someone help!!" I called out but no one was around. I looked both ways to find the car who hit my brother. I tried remembering the number plate so I could report to the police later.

"I've lost enough family members, I'm not losing one again. Please don't do this to me!" I reminded him even if he can't hear me.

"Song Young!" I heard a voice call out from a far distance. The sun was blinding my eyes so couldn't work out who it was but as the figure got closer I came to a realisation that it was Jimin.

"Yong Suk!!" He called out also falling onto his knees.

"Jimin, call the ambulance, hurry!" I tried to quicken him. He got his phone out and dialed the number.

"We need an ambulance at XXX" He explained.

"When are they coming?" I asked worriedly.

"In 5" He said and we all went silent. Heavy tears started pouring down my face and I looked to see that Jimin was crying as well.

"Yong Suk! Please wake up!" Jimin cried shaking my brother's shoulder hoping he would wake up. We were on our knees with tears streaming down our faces.

I hugged him, hoping he would wake up and hug me back, telling me to stop crying. Like he always does. After a while, we heard sirens coming our way, it was the ambulance. A person from the car jumped off and rushed to us.

"Oh dear, what happened here?" She asked and I couldn't speak, the words wouldn't come out.

"He got hit by a car" Jimin said and I nodded when she looked at me.

"It looks like a major accident, let's bring him to the back of the car" She instructed and we helped her carry him to the back of the vehicle.

"Okay, careful" She indicated and we slowly placed him down on the bed.

~Jimin's POV~

We arrived at the hospital and Yong Suk was rushed into the operating room.

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