Part 10: Late

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~Song Young's POV~

"I like you" Jungkook repeated much calmer than before.

I don't know why but I felt a sparkling sensation flying around the room after those words left his mouth. What now? Should I say yes or no? How long has he been liking me? But why me? I soon felt butterflies flapping everywhere in my stomach as if they were trying to escape. Aish I don't know what to do. If I say I do like him he would ask questions and it would be like number 1 news throughout the nation, but if I say I don't like him he would be sad, ignore me, his career will go downhill and everyone will come hunting for me. Aish what do I do now? Song Young, choose!

"I don't know what to say...Jungkook I-" I got cut off by him.

"It's okay, you don't have to give me an answer now, take-" I cut him off this time.

"I like you too" I said not thinking twice about what consequences I will be facing.

The room was filled with silence and he was shocked because of my answer, bad move Song Young, bad move...

~Jimin's POV~

I came out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook and Song Young entering his room. I wonder what's going on. I know it was rude of me but I followed them and kind of eavesdropped on their conversation...

"I-I-I like you" Jungkook stuttered and I felt my heart ache. Is this it? Is she taken now? Did I just lose my chance with her? God damnit Jungkook, why are you always doing this to me? I stood there listening to Song Young's response...

"I like you too" She replied after a while and in that very moment, I knew I shouldn't push myself any further. They're official now, Jimin, you just lost your chance to whom you love but I guess karma struck...You broke her heart too many times, it's a fair game.

I walked away from his door and headed downstairs to the rest of the group. They were watching The Legend of the Blue Sea. People these days are too addicted to kdrama I swear.

"Hahahahaha that's me eating a cake, you don't need spoons and forks when you always got a hand" Hee Yeon laughed pointing to the girl on t.v.

"You go girl!" She added letting out an evil laugh.

I lazily walked to the coach and took a seat in between Sam and V.

"Hyung! I was sitting there!" V scolded but I just ignored him and let everything go.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked and I gave her a nod.

"Where's the birthday girl?" Sam asked scanning the room for Song Young.

"In Jungkook's room" I said pointed up stairs.

"WHAT?!" The group said at once and gave me shocked faces.

"What? It's normal for them to be together, they're together now" I said trying to calm my aching heart yet still focusing on the t.v.

"TOGETHER?! WHEN?" Jin asked still in shock.

" 5 minutes ago?" I replied then looked up to see the group's reactions but not a soul was in sight. Guess they're already upstairs listening to their conversations.

"Oh my god you scared me!" Song Young screamed out. I bet she has finally opened the door after 10 minutes of them listening in on her and Jungkook.

"Hyung-duel! What were you all doing in front of my bedroom door?" I hear Jungkook asking the boys.

"Nothing, we were just...uhh...we were just..." V said struggling to find an excuse.

"Admiring the painting on the wall!" Hee Yeon lied.

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