Part 8: Jealousy

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~Jungkook's POV~

"Fine! I do like her, so what?!" I blurted out, creating silence throughout the whole house.

I admit that I was angry, not at Song Young, but at Jimin. He knew I liked her from the beginning but he still tried to flirt with her. Yeah they may be childhood friends but isn't that a bit too close?

"I'm going to bed," I said and made my way to my room. I walked in, locked the door and fell to the ground in an instant. Tears started streaming down my face and my vision became blurry. I crawled myself in a ball and started sobbing even more, ignoring the knocks on the door. I crawled onto my bed and buried myself under the soft blanket letting everything go. Trying to, at least.

~Next morning~

I opened my eyes to see that it was already morning. School.

I looked up at the clock to see that it was 6:15am. It was pretty early so I decided to get ready and leave first.




I headed to the school gates and took a deep breath before entering. It's not like my first day or anything, why am I acting like this?

I walked to the classroom to see Song Young, the only student in the class sitting there reading a book. I tried hard to look away but -

"Jungkook!" Song Young shouted out. I looked up and gave her the 'what' face.

"What's wrong?" She asked and my mind started racing with excuses.

"Just tired" I replied, trying to act all tired.

"No you're not, you've been acting really weird since yesterday. Tell me, what's wrong?" She asked again.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I replied and took my seat located at the very back. I sat there replaying the scene where Song Young fell on top of Jimin. Did he do that on purpose or...aish, forget about it.

~Song Young's POV~

Ever since the moment I bumped into Jungkook in the hallway, I started to gain feelings for him, not in that sort of way...just friendship, nothing more. Jungkook looked really off ever since yesterday. He didn't see what happened right? It was a misunderstanding, there's nothing going on between us. As soon as I saw Hee Yeon walk into the classroom, I quickly signaled her to come over.

"What's up?" She asked.

"It's Jungkook, he's acting a bit off and-" I got cut off by her voice.

"One word, jealousy" She stated and walked to her desk. I took my phone out and texted Hee Yeon to see if she can ask Jungkook what was wrong since she sits in front of him.

Me: Hee Yeon, ask him what's wrong. Plss, for meeee?

Hee Yeon: Fine! Double ice-cream after school since u didn't get me it last time.

Me: Yeah yeah whatever, hurry up!

I looked over to see Hee Yeon talk to Jungkook but I couldn't hear anything. Ugh, I'll just ask her later. Jungkook said something to her and she gasped. What? Is something wrong? Hee Yeon then started squealing and congratulating him for some god damn reason. A reason that I don't know about. I guess I'll just find out soon.




It was recess and I bolted to Hee Yeon as fast as I could. I was running too fast and tripped on my shoe lace, I fell to the ground and received laughter from other students in the hallway. Why do I have to be so clumsy?

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