Part 27: I Need U

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~Jungkook's POV~


"It's been 10 minutes and no one has found her yet" I said panicking. Everyone was gathered in the living room, me, V, Jimin, Jhope, Suga, Rap Monster, Jin, Cindy, Hee Yeon, Sarah and Sam.

"I tried contacting So Hyun but she isn't picking up" Jimin said holding onto his phone.

"Should we go to the police station?" Sam suggested and everyone exchanged looks at each other.

"Okay, let's do this" Cindy agreed heading outside to her car.




All 11 of us entered the police station trying to not freak out.

"How can I help you?" A policeman asked and I decided to speak.

"Our friend Jang Song Young has been missing and we haven't found her yet" I explained with a worried face.

"Yes, that's right" The others agreed nodding their heads.

"When was she last seen?" He asked.

"Last night at around 10 but we think she has only just left this morning" Jin explained.

"We can't really help you with that without exact time" The policeman shook his head in disbelief.

"Please, we need-" I got cut off by a sudden phone ring.

"Excuse me" He excused answering the phone.

"Hello Seoul police station, how can I help you?" He asked over the phone.

"My sister's been kidnapped, please help!" The person on the other line pleaded. That voice sounds so familiar but I can't figure who it belongs to...

"Alright, please tell me the name, age, description and place" The officer added.

"She has dark brown hair, she's around 162cm, her eyes are brown, she's 18 years old. Her name's Jang Song Young!" The person on the other line explained and our eyes all shot open, including the policeman himself. That voice, it belongs to Song Young's brother, Yong Suk, but how?

"Isn't that Yong Suk?" Cindy asked the group.

"I think so" I replied nodding my head.

"Yep, can I please have your name?" He asked.

"Jang Yong Suk" He replied and we all gasped.

"But wasn't he in a coma?" Hee Yeon asked and we all nodded in unison.

"Do you know the kidnapper's name?" The policeman asked through the phone.

"Jang Ji Tae, her step brother" Yong Suk simply answered and I could feel my blood boil up.

"Why is it always him?" Jimin mumbled hitting his fist on the wall behind him.

"Jimin-ah calm down" Cindy said grabbing his fist away from the wall.

"Can you please give me the address?" The policeman asked.

"38 Shinmullo 1-ga, Chongno-gu, Seoul 01250" He replied and the policeman quickly jotted it down on his notepad.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible" The policeman said hanging up and quickly grabbed his hat from his desk.

"Officer, that's our friend. Please let us come along" Rapmon pleaded holding him back.

"This is an officer's job, we can't bring kids around with us" He informed letting go of Rapmon's grip.

"She's my girlfriend! Please let us come, I don't want to see her die" I cried causing the officers to stop what they were doing.

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