Part 20: Last

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~Jungkook's POV~

No matter what Mina says I will still believe Song Young, but let's just play around with her for a bit, just to lighten her up a little.

"Jungkook, I-"

"She even wanted to punch me" Mina cried. Pft, she can't even act.

"Is that true?" I asked Song Young trying to keep my poker face.

"No, it's not-"

"Yes it is, the whole class heard. Right guys?" Mina asked the class and most of them nodded, knowing how scary she can get if they don't agree.

"See? I tol-" I cut Mina off.

"You really think I can believe you? Never" I stated and I turned to see Song Young glaring at me.

"What's wrong?" I laughed, asking Song Young.

"Do you think playing around with my feelings is funny?" She asked back with a serious face.

"Song Young, I didn't mean it like that. I-"

"Forget it" She cut me off walking out of the classroom. I ran out to find her and as soon as I did, I quickened my pace and grabbed her by the wrist.

"Song Young! Hear me out. I was trying to lighten you up but I didn't know it would turn out like that" I explained and she began laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked concerned.

"Gotcha" She said and I stood there with my mouth hanging wide open.

"Is my acting good? Do you think I can be an actress one day?" She asked.

"Haha very funny" I sarcastically spoke walking back to the classroom.

"Yah! I was joking" She laughed skipping towards me wrapping her arms around mine.

"Mian" She apologised giving me a warm smile I've been longing to see for so long.

"I'll treat you after school. Bubble tea?" She asked and a smirk grew on my face.

"Okay" I agreed and we both laughed it off.




~After School~

"Let's go get bubble tea!" An arm wrapped itself around me.

Song Young.

"Okay" I jumped like a child.

"Look at you, still acting like a child. Thought you said you were a gentleman" She teased and I looked at her, pouting, giving her my puppy eyes.

"Oh no, please. Not the puppy eyes" She exclaimed looking away, avoiding my eyes.

"Okay okay, you're not a child, you're a grown up, *cough* mature gentleman" She said. That cough though...

We reached the bubble tea place and I opened the door for her, like a 'gentleman'.

"Wait, isn't the rest coming to my house today?" She suddenly asked.

"I told them I'm going somewhere with you, so I told them to meet at your house at 6" I explained. I then looked at my watch and it read 4:55PM.

"We got an hour left" I stated and she nodded. We walked to the counter and ordered our drinks.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The young lady at the counter asked.

"What do you want?" Song Young asked looking up at me.

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