Part 28: Jagiya

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~Song Young's POV~

"Hang on but where's Yong Suk?" Cindy suddenly asked bringing the mood right down.

"Someone looking for me?" A voice suddenly asked behind Cindy and as she turned around revealing Yong Suk, I felt 100kg of weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Yong Suk!" She squealed giving him a tight hug.

"Do you know how worried I was?" She asked playfully punching his chest.

"Haha mian" He apologised shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm still missing a hug from someone else" He teased looking at me as he wriggled his eyebrows. I then stood up from my seat and quickly ran to him, I missed his hugs.

"Ahh I missed my sister's hugs" He chuckled and I playfully hit him in the shoulder.

We both took a seat and talked about random subjects, catching up on everything he missed.

"Oppa, you're so old" I teased leaning my head on his shoulder.

"No I'm not, I'm only 25" He argued flicking my forehead.

"But I think you should get married" I whispered in his ear looking back at Cindy.

"What?" She asked being clueless as ever.

"Haha nothing" I chuckled looking back at Yong Suk.

"I will soon" He smiled secretly showing me a small red box.

"Ommo, you had that all along?" I asked trying not to be loud.

"I'm so excited!" I squealed.

"Excited for what?" The others asked in unison.

"Haha nothing" I lied.

"Now that Song Young's back, she's going to be the cheeky one" Hee Yeon said making the whole group laugh.

"But I'm suppose to be the cheeky one" V argued standing up from his seat.

"You wanna go?!" I asked in fluent english and V stood there confused.

"Yeah, I thought so" I chuckled sitting back at my seat.

"My little sister's english is improving a lot" Yong Suk complimented back in english patting my head.

"He can speak english too?" Rapmon asked, amazed.

"Yeah it runs in the family" I smiled nodding my head.

"I just found a new best friend" Rapmon said in english making his way to Yong Suk to give him a handshake.

"Seriously? You make best friends that fast?" Cindy asked in english and Rapmon looked up amazed.

"You can too?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I was born in Australia and came to Korean when I was 15" She explained.

"No wonder you have that Aussie accent" Rapmon laughed and Cindy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, Yong Suk hyung!" Jimin then suddenly said out of nowhere.

"Oh, Jimin's back" Jhope unenthusiastically said.

"Jimin!" Yong Suk exclaimed.

"Where'd you go?" He asked Jimin.

"I went to donate blood" Jimin smiled revealing his chubby cheeks.

"To who?" He asked back.

"Jungkook" Jimin replied and Yong Suk nodded.

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