Part 15: Missing You

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~Jimin's POV~

"Kang So Hyun?" I asked making sure if it was her or not. Was it her?

"Jimin!" She exclaimed with wide eyes and ran towards me giving me a hug.

"How have you been?" She asked out of curiosity.

"I'm fine, how have you been?" I asked back.

"Tired, my brain's a mess these days because of work" She sighed in exhaustion.

"Ahh, where do you work?" I asked being nosy I guess?

"I have a part time job at The Semiconductor Market" She replied.

"Ahem, we're still here" Suga voice suddenly interrupted.

"Oh, sorry. Guys this is Kang So Hyun, my best friend ever since grade 9 and So Hyun, this is the rest of BTS and Jang Song Young, Yong Suk hyung's little sister" I introduced and they returned with a nod.

"Hi I'm Kim Namjoon but you can call me Rap Monster" Rapmon introduced.

"I'm Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin"

"I'm Min Yoongi but you can call me Suga"

"Ommo, you have such pale skin. I wish I had skin like yours" So Hyun pouted looking at her slightly tan skin.

"I'm Jung Hoseok but you can call me Jhope"

"I'm Kim Taehyung but you can call me V"

"I'm Jeon Jungkook but you call me Jungkook"

"I'm Jang Song Young, Yong Suk's little sister"

"Ommo, you're so cute! I've heard a lot about you from Yong Suk. I bet we're going to get along really well!" She said chirpily smiling and Song Young returned it with an awkward smile.

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked looking around to see if she came with anyone.

"Oh, I'm here to pick up my little sister. She works here" She smiled.

"Oh Jinja? So Min works here?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah" She nodded.

"So Min-ah, are you ready?" She called out.

"Yes unnie, give me a minute" So Min replied from the back kitchen.

"Wow, she's grown up so much. I didn't even recognise her" I said looking at So Min struggling to pack her stuff in the kitchen.

"Okay, let's go unnie!" She said running out of the kitchen.

"Oh, annyeonghaseyo" She greeted followed with a 90 degree bow.

"Hi So Min" I waved.

"A-ajussi, how do you know my name?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows and the group behind me laughed.

"Haha Jimin is an ajussi" Jin teased.

"Hyung! That's not funny!" I argued stomping my feet.

"So Min-ah do you remember Jimin?" So Hyun asked her sister and she slowly nodded realising who I was.

"J-Jimin?" She stuttered trying to say my name right.

"Yeah, the one I dated in year 10 and you kept teasing me about it" So Hyun said and I glanced over at her.

"YOU DATED HER?!" The group bursted out all at once.

"Y-yeah" I awkwardly laughed scratching my head.

"Park Jimin you are so dead" Jhope said punching his right fist onto his left palm.

"W-why? I-I did nothing wrong, you have no right to kill me" I argued acting like a 10 year old.

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