Part 29: Prom Night

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One Week Later~

~Song Young's POV~

"Your time starts now" The teacher announced from the front as we took out seats to take our last exam. The room was filled with intense concentration as everyone was thinking hard to answer the questions.




"Yah! How'd you go?" Hee Yeon asked approaching me.

"I think I did well" I replied trying to be confident.

"I think I did bad" She pouted fiddling with her fingers.

"Hey, at least you tried" I said trying to comfort her and she nodded.

"Let's go eat!" She suggested dragging me to the canteen and we sat with the boys along with Sam and Sarah.

"Prom's next week!" Sam squealed as she linked her arms around V.

"It is?" I asked confused.

"Seriously, you don't even remember when prom is?" Rapmon scolded hitting my forehead.

"I've been studying so much I don't even remember anything" I replied shyly smiling.

"You made Jungkook sad, look at him" Jhope said and I turned to see a pouting Jungkook.

"Haha, whoops. Mian" I apologised followed with a bow but purposely hit my head on the table causing the whole group to laugh.

"Yah be careful!" Jungkook scolded as he gently rubbed my forehead to lessen the pain.

"I'm okay" I smiled.




I arrived home to the aroma of pancakes filling the empty space.

"Oppa! What are you-" I got cut off as I saw something very unexpected in front of my eyes.

"Ommo, my innocent eyes" I gasped as I turned around not wanting to see anymore.

"When did you come home? I didn't hear the door open" Yong Suk asked confused. They were kissing, in front of me...

"Song Young! How was your exam?" Cindy asked trying to bring up another topic.

"I think I did well" I replied still facing the other way.

"I heard prom is next week, you got anything to wear?" Cindy asked as I shook my head 'no'.

"Alright, girl's day today. We're going shopping!" She squealed linking her arms around mine.

"Oh okay" I stammered following her outside to her car.

"Ommo, unnie. Don't tell me..." I said looking at the ring on her finger

"Yong Suk proposed to me" She nodded, biting her lip.

"Omg! Yass, I'm finally going to have you as my sister in law" I squealed.

"When's the wedding?" I teased nudging her in the stomach.

"We're still planning on that but probably somewhere beginning of next year" She explained.

"Ahh, you better make it quick!" I said being the impatient kid I've always been.




"Woah you look so pretty!!" Cindy complimented as I turned in circles showing off my dress.

"Really?" I asked admiring the dress as the skirt elegantly billows out from the waist.

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