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Thanks so much for all the reviews and follows! I greatly appreciate it. Here is chapter 3, and it gets increasingly steamy. I actually already have two additional chapters written for after this one, I just have to edit them. So if you are interested in more, let me know and I'll work as quickly as I can to get the next few up! Thanks.

Piper and Alex didn't talk for the next few nights. Piper just assumed that Alex had lost interest in her since she left so abruptly the other night. Or maybe she was never even interested in anything at all. At least this made it a bit easier for Piper to continue trying to make it work with Larry

"Hey Pipes, did you hear that Polly hired that new interior decorator? Apparently she has a really long wait list. If we want someone to redo our living room we should probably put our names in now" Larry said to Piper as they were watching TV.

"Uh, well are we sure we want to do that? Is it worth it to put all that money in? We don't even know how long we'll stay here for", Piper responded from her spot on the couch next to him.

"Well I'm not planning on going anywhere. Are you?" Larry said with a chuckle that made it clear he wasn't looking for an answer to that question.

It was a Thursday night so Larry wanted to call it in early. Piper wasn't responding to any of his subtle advances, so he gave up on the idea of having sex that night. He gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"You want to go to bed and get settled in?"

"Nah Larry you go, I'm going to stay up for a bit"

"You sure? I think you should probably call it a night"

"Yes, I'm sure Larry. I can make decisions for myself"

"Okay, goodnight Pipes" Larry said with a pat to her head.

"Yeah, you too" Piper responded. She couldn't help but feel like a child when Larry treats her like this.

After Larry was asleep for about an hour, Piper was laying on the couch watching TV reruns when her phone vibrated. Assuming it was Polly telling her something about work or Pete, Piper grabbed her phone and went to close out the message. When she looked at her phone, she was pleasantly surprised to see that it was not from Polly, but instead was from a certain sexy brunette who's been consuming her thoughts.

[Alex]- Miss me?

[Piper]- Well considering you left our convo right before things got interesting, I'm not sure if there's much to miss.

[Alex]- Ugh I know, I'm sorry. Something came up. How did your night end? Or should I say finish ;)

[Piper]- You would know exactly how it finished if you hadn't bailed.

[Alex]- Let me make it up to you.

[Piper]- How?

[Alex]- See, I knew you'd be intrigued :)

[Piper]- I'm waiting.

[Alex]- Feisty! Okay, any suggestions? Ones that don't involve me going over to your place and fucking you, with your boyfriend asleep in the other room. Cause that's my personal favorite idea, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen.

[Piper]- So you're smart on top of being hot.

[Alex]- I'm waiting.

[Alex]- ;)

[Piper]- I want to know more things about you. Fun things...

[Alex]- Deal. But only if you play, too.

[Piper]- Play?

[Alex]- Yes. We'll play Naughty 20 Questions.

[Piper]- 20 Questions? Are we 15 years old?

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