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The next weekend, Piper goes over to Alex's place for dinner. It's the night they're planning to share their fantasies with each other, so Piper has been letting her mind wander all week to try to think of things she'd be interested in. She's excited to spend the night in with Alex and have some quality time with her girlfriend. Piper is keeping it simple in gray leggings and a black Smith College long sleeve tee.

It's not the fanciest outfit, but Piper knows Alex will love the leggings, and the shirt is super comfy. Piper is eager to spend some serious time cuddling with Alex. She misses her after the long week.

There's supposed to be a big thunderstorm tonight, but luckily it isn't raining yet when Piper gets to Alex's.

"Hey babe" Alex says with a smile as she lets Piper in. Piper walks in and when she gets a good look at Alex, her jaw drops. Alex is wearing skin-tight black jeans and a thin white cami, just like Piper requested the other day. Piper hadn't thought Alex would even remember, yet here she is wearing the revealing top. On top of the cami Alex has an unbuttoned black and white flannel. Piper can clearly see Alex's black bra through the cami, and neither is doing anything to conceal Alex's breasts. Piper fucking loves it.

"Was this what you had in mind?" Alex says with a smirk, enjoying the way Piper is checking her out right now.

"You look so hot" Piper says, her eyes still not leaving Alex's chest.

"If you keep looking at me like that dinner isn't going to happen" Alex chuckles.

"I don't need dinner when I have you to eat up" Piper responds.

Alex lets out a loud laugh.

"Piper baby, I appreciate the enthusiasm. But I slaved away over dinner for us!" Alex says.


"Nah, I'm ordering us take out." Alex chuckles.

"Works for me. What were you thinking?"

"Whatever you want, my treat" Alex says.

"With the storm coming soon we should probably keep it simple. Want to do that Chinese place down the block?"

"Perfect. I'll order soon. Do you want your usual?"

"Yes please." Piper smiles. "Thanks Al"

While they wait for the food, Piper and Alex sit on the couch with a bottle of wine.

Less than an hour later, Piper and Alex are back on the couch with their Chinese food and an almost empty bottle of wine. The storm started and is raging outside.

"Want to watch something?" Alex asks Piper.

"Yeah, sure. Let's Netflix and chill" Piper says with a smirk.

"What the fuck is that?" Alex asks as she takes a bite of chicken.

"You've never heard of Netflix and chill?" Piper says with a giggle.

"No, is that supposed to mean something to me?"

"You're so out of the loop." Piper laughs.

"Are you going to tell me what it means?" Alex asks.

"It's basically when you start watching Netflix but end up just hooking up." Piper explains.

"Oh, that has a name? You and I do that all the time" Alex shrugs.

"Yeah, it's like a thing. I can't believe you've never heard of it!"

"Well I've done it still!" Alex rebuttals.

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