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Piper woke up and slowly took in her surroundings. She was completely naked in Alex's large bed, with the brunette curling up to her. Alex had one leg over Piper's waist and her arm was draped across the blonde's naked chest. Seeing the tough, badass, sexy Alex curled up tight to Piper as she slept made Piper melt. Piper looked at Alex's face and couldn't help but smile.

Alex was blissfully asleep and her mouth was forming a slight smile, her lips parted to let in breaths of air. Piper couldn't help but notice that Alex was also gorgeously naked. The sheet was down at her waist so Piper had a perfect view of Alex's breasts resting against her.

Piper just laid there for a while watching Alex breathe softly. Her eyes spent a long while gazing down at Alex's breasts, enjoying the opportunity to stare at them as long as she wants. After watching Alex for a few minutes though, Piper couldn't stop her hands from grabbing onto Alex's pillowy breasts. She filled each hand with one breast and started to massage them softly. She felt Alex's nipples harden and a soft moan escape her parted lips.

Piper was once again struck by how sexy this woman is, even in her sleep. Piper started to knead harder, trying to keep her composure so she doesn't leave a stain on Alex's sheets. When she gives a particularly hard squeeze, Alex's eyes start to flutter open.

"Mmmmmm Pipes." Alex moans out, starting to wake up.

"Yes?" Piper asks sweetly as she continues her ministrations.

"Whatcha doing?" Alex asks in a sleepy voice.

"Just playin with my favorite part of you." Piper responds softly.

"Mmmmm well does that mean I get to play with your ass later?" Alex smirks.

In response to Alex's comment, Piper harshly pinches her nipples. Alex yelps out. Piper leans down and gives Alex a soft kiss. When she releases Alex's lips she moves her own lips only an inch away, and breathes her words against Alex.

"You wish."

Alex chuckles, and wraps her arms around Piper's body to pull her closer.

"Let's sleep more, Pipes." Alex pleads sleepily.

Piper slides off the bed, forgetting she is completely naked. She's reminded of that little fact when she sees Alex look her body up and down slowly, followed by a wink. Piper sticks her tongue out at Alex and walks to Alex's dresser.

"Since I complied with the sexy dress code last night, I don't have any comfy clothes to wear right now." Piper explains. She reaches into Alex's middle drawer, as if she's known Alex for years, and pulls out a soft t-shirt without looking at it. She throws it onto her naked body and looks down, seeing the Hooters logo.

"Really?" She asks Alex.

"What can I say, I like chicken! Plus, Nicky made me go. But I ended up fucking our waitress so it worked out for me." Alex says with a cocky smirk.

Piper simply laughs and nods her head at Alex's antics. The shirt is long enough to reach midway down her ass, but that's about it. She walks around Alex's room and tries to find where her thong was discarded on the floor last night.

She finds it over by the door, but it's pretty unwearable after her aroused state last night. She throws it down and gives a huff of frustration, much to Alex's amusement.

"Oh man, what a bummer. I guess you'll just have to wear nothing on the bottom." Alex says amusedly.

Piper acquiesces, and walks to the bed to give Alex a kiss.

"You are a pain in the ass sometimes" she says with a big smile after kissing Alex. "I'm going to make breakfast. Do you have enough ingredients in your kitchen that I can put something together?" Piper asks.

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