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The Monday after Alex and Piper returned from their visit to Diane, Piper is not eager to be back at work. After such a great weekend with Alex, all she wants to do is spend all her time with her sexy girlfriend. Luckily, she has steamy memories from their sack session yesterday to keep her mind occupied. When Piper woke up this morning, she wasn't surprised to see marks on her wrists from the cuffs. They aren't too dark, but they'd probably be noticeable if someone looked at her wrists. She wore a long sleeve shirt to hide them, so there shouldn't be any problems. She also has a couple decent marks on her ass from where Alex bit her. She definitely doesn't mind it though. Each time she sits down and feels it, it's another reminder of the awesome sex. And Piper thinks it's hot that she has bite marks on her ass that nobody else knows about. They're just for her. Nonetheless, Piper has been trying to stay on her feet as much as possible all day to avoid sitting on the bruise.

At lunch, Polly is craving pancakes so she and Piper head to a nearby diner. Deciding to join Polly on the breakfast theme, Piper orders an omelet and toast. When their food comes, the smell of Polly's pancakes reminds Piper of breakfast at Diane's. She must get a goofy smile on her face because Polly notices.

"Pipe, what's that loopy smile for?" she asks.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't realize I zoned out there. But Pol, this weekend was so good. Like, so fucking good." Piper responds.

"That's great! So you and the mom got along?"

"She's so awesome. She was so much fun and so sweet and I felt so welcomed. Her house is such a home and it was just perfect." Piper gushes.

"What'd you all do there?"

"We talked and ate a lot. Diane's a really good cook. Alex showed me around her town a bit. Oh! We actually played a drinking game, too. Never Have I Ever."

"Alex's MOM played a drinking game?!" Polly says with surprise.

"Yup! She was playing and drinking right along with us. And she and Alex kept going back and forth trying to embarrass the other. It was so funny." Piper says with a chuckle.

"Wow, sounds pretty perfect!"

"It was. So perfect."

"And how did you and Alex manage with the whole no-sex-all-weekend thing? You two are like horny teenagers or something. And that's just from what I know." Polly laughs.

"Well..." Piper says with a blush.

"Piper Chapman! You didn't!" Polly exclaims. "You guys fucked at her mom's house?!"

"We couldn't help it!" Piper giggles. "It was really attractive watching Alex be so great with her mom. And I guess she thought the same with me. I was nervous about her mom hearing us so I tried really hard to hold off, but then Alex just made it impossible... I had to have her." Piper says.

"Did Alex's mom hear you?" Polly asks.

"Ugh, unfortunately yes. She was making fun of us for it the next day."

"That's pretty awesome she was so cool about it though!"

"Yeah, definitely. It ended up not being a big deal. And then we got caught in a rain storm on Saturday so we did it outside. Then that night her mom told us she was going to sleep with headphones on, so it happened again." Piper says, covering her face a little at the memory.

"Oh my god" Polly says with a big laugh. "You guys should probably learn to control yourselves."

"We tried! It's just like not possible. The sex is so fucking good. On Sunday we were both exhausted from the weekend and we still ended up fucking. I was so tired afterwards that I slept while she cooked dinner. After we ate we were cuddled watching a movie and ended up going ANOTHER round. It's insane. We can't keep our hands off each other, it's electric or something I swear."

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