New York Lovin'

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- it will mostly be in Lia's POV. I will let you know when it's someone else POV!

   Today, June 30,2016, is the day that I finally move into my aunts house in New York City, she's very rich, never home, and always drunk, safe right? Who gives a hell at this point. I'm moving to NYC bitches! Anyways, my name is Lia Bennett, I'm 19, and I graduated at 17! Nothin really spectacular. I have a little brother named Keegan, he's 6. We live in a very small, dirty apartment together in California. Our parents died in a car crash a year ago and left me to take care of him, he's such a joy to have all to myself all day, everyday. It'll be weird having a parent figure around. I've enjoyed being the one in charge. I decided to wait till summer so Keegan could finish his 3rd grade class here in California, everything is pretty much moved there expect us. I couldn't go to college for psychology like i wanted to because I needed to be a parent for Keegan and I wouldn't of wanted my life any differently. "Keegan lets go, we have to get on the plane!" I've been yelling to him for the past 20 minutes. "I'm in here sissy." Keegan speaks with a soft yell. I followed his voice leading to his bedroom, he was sitting on his bedroom floor looking like he's going to cry "hey, hey. It's okay, you know?" He shrugs his shoulders "ya I guess Lia. I just don't want to live with aunt Lilian. I like living here in California with my friends and you. I like having you as my parent" I didn't expect him to be okay with this life plan, but I knew I could give him more of a life out there. "Listen bud, how about when we get there and go find a small dinner and get some burgers and ice cream, ya?" He looked up and smiled at me. "Ya, we can do that. But I chose the diner!" There's my boy. "Of course you can. Now let's go! We have 30 minutes till the plane gets there" he grabbed his two bags and his teddy bear and grabbed my hand "you ready sissy?" I squeezed his hand. I'm more than ready for this.

   After a long 6 hours on the plane, my ass is killing me. "It's 1pm now Keegan, wanna go to Lilly's house drop off our stuff then go to dinner?" He just grabs my hand and pulls me off the plane "you have a car correct?" He finally talks to me. "Yes, it's waiting outside why?" He drops his bags and stops me "Can we just leave our bags in the trunk and go eat now? I'm starving" I smiled brightly "it's hard saying no to you, let's go."

  "Sissy! Can we go to a Italian restaurant instead?" I laughed "you love your Italian, yes. We have to find a place first" he started to run "Lia! There's a place right here, Demarco's!" That name sounds familiar or maybe I'm going crazy. I grabbed my phone to text my aunt telling her we'd be over later tonight. "Gosh, you're so slow Lia!" He giggled while opening the door leading us to a dark fancy restaurant. "Keegan, this place looks expensive." He looks up at me "please, Lia? It sounds so good!" I really want to make him comfortable but I only have so much money. Yes, I am rich, my mother and father were both the head CEO of a huge business and I was given a lot of money, but that's put away for emergencies. I've made my own money by working and providing for Keegan the way he should be raised. I pulled him to the side of hallway "Listen, we can eat here okay? But on one condition" he groaned "what's the condition?" I didn't want to tell him yet, he hasn't seen Times Square before and I want to surprise him. "Come on, let's eat. You'll see after dinner" he hugged me tightly "thank you, I love you sissy" I said it back.

  "Hi ma'am, how many? 2?" Keegan answered before I got a chance. The host smiled at me "well then, here's your table Miss and Mr." he said winking at me and ruffling my brothers hair. Ew, creep. "So Lia, where are you going to get a job here?" I've been looking at places online and I can only do so much without a degree. It's so hard finding something that will pay enough to support us. I don't want to live with my Aunt Lillian for awhile, I want to take Keegan and I out own home here. I just need a place to get on my feet "i don't know honestly bud. It's tough without a degree" he looked a bit sad "you know, you could've went to college. You would've been done now and we wouldn't have to worry about you getting a job. Why don't you just use our money? You know we have a lot Lia" it broke me because I know how easily it is to get money. I just don't want Keegan thinking you can just live off of your parents success. "You were and are my number one priority. I don't need a degree. I will make this work, I will find a job. Now please order" the waiter took our order but before he left he slipped me a piece of paper. It was for a job application! He must've over heard! This is so great. "Don't worry about us, okay? It is all working out the way it should be, even better" he nodded and started talking to me about his video games. "Sorry to interrupt dear but your dinner is served" the waiter said passing out or dinner. "Here's a pen, fill it out before you leave and hand it to me. I'll do the rest, okay?" I nodded and said thank you. That was really sweet of him. "How's your food?" He gave me a thumbs up.

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