Catch Me If You Can.

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   It's been 4 days of nonstop searching for Keegan. I've been getting random text messages from a unknown number but thankfully I haven't gotten one today.

Unknown: find him or he's dead.
Unknown: do you know who I am?
Unknown: your brother is a cutie
Unknown: come on Lia. You haven't figured out who this is? I'll give you a hint soon.

  It's been eating me alive to know who this is. The last text was from 3 day he was gone. It's so hard to fall asleep at night with knowing he's out there by himself. Declan has tried multiple times to get me to stay in bed while him and Sofia look for Keegan so I can rest and not hurt the baby. I can't just not go look for my brother, I tell Declan that I'll stay in bed and once he's gone, I sneak out and search. I know it's dangerous but I can't live with having Keegan see their face before mine. 

    "Hey, so we're going to head out now, okay?" Declan said while laying in my bed texting, who I'm guessing was Sofia. I simply nodded my head and rubbed my aching belly. "You look like you're in pain today baby girl" he said. I didn't bother looking up at him "ya, I am. The baby keeps moving and kicking my side." He came over to me and kissed my head then my stomach then said "if you need anything, please" I cut him off "call you, I know Declan. I got it." He nodded and left my room. I got up and fixed myself up in the mirror. My face has already started to get fatter but I don't mind. I throw my hair up in a bun and wait till I hear Declan's car pull away.

  After a good 30 minutes he finally left. I put on my coat and told Veronica I'm going out for a bit. I got a small lecture but I blew it off. I got into my car and drove off. I hit a red light and checked my phone. There was a message from the unknown number.

Unknown: I don't think I'm going to give you a hint. Find him yourself little lady😉

  My heart touched the floor. How could they not give me a hint? I need my brother back. The cops have pretty much stopped looking for him because there hasn't been one trace of Keegan but I'm not giving up.

    I drove around town for hours talking to people, asking if they've seen him. "No young lady I haven't seen him, I'm sorry" I huffed as I left her sight. I jumped back into my car and started crying. These last few months have been nothing but crying due to this, hospitals, fights, and George. I can still hear little lady all.. wait. They did give me a clue! I'm such an idiot. It's George! He has Keegan! I quickly started my car and drove to Lillian's house. can't believe I didn't catch that until now. I reached her house and ran out of my car to her door. I wasn't going to tell her he was missing because I didn't want her to try to take him away from me or anything. I Knocked on the door and it opened but I couldn't see the person behind the door, it was pure black. I quickly got pulled in and felt a hand cover my mouth and another hand go on my bare waist "glad you can make it little lady, I missed you" I tried to fight him off but he's just to strong for me. I don't why I try anymore. "Let go of me you sick fuck!" He laughs seductively in my ear "God, you're so fucking sexy" his hand started to trail down my hips and I clenched up waiting for the event that I knew was going to happen but it suddenly stopped "not now little lady, but soon." He turns me around, with his hands on my wrist and scans my body "you're pregnant? By me?" I shook my head. "Then whose it is you slut! You're mine. You're not supposed to have sex with anyone else!" I held back the tears. "Oh for gods sake, stop crying." He let go of one of my wrists and led me to a lit up room. He pushed me on the grown and bent over. "I had to steal him to get to you Lia" he grabbed a chain and locked my ankles and wrist to them. George then left the room and all I could hear was a soft voice. I knew it had to be Keegan. George came into the room with Keegan in his arms. He threw him down next to me and locker Keegan up as well. "Sissy! You found me" as sad and scared as I was I was very happy to see his face. "Hi bud, so everything this man tells you okay?" He nods "can we go home after?" I ignored him and looked down. "I'll be back slut" George spat.


Sofia and I had absolutely no luck tonight just like every other night. I don't want to give up on Keegan or Lia, but I just don't know where to look. I was just about to tell Sofia to go home for the rest of the night until I got a strange text message.

Unknown: Come find your girlfriend.

Soon after that I got another one with a address. I ran over to Sofia "call the cops and send them to this address. Stay here" I ran to my car and drove off. I reached the street and started to become clearer to me. I knew this street, but I couldn't figure out how I knew this street. I pulled into the drive way and I figured out who it was, Lia's aunt! She took Keegan? Makes sense but kind of fucked up. I got out of the car quickly but quietly. I look through the windows but it was dark. I hear a scream and I ran back to the front door and slammed through it to see Lia, Keegan, George, and Lillian.


I asked George if I could get a glass of water for Keegan. Apparently he thought I was getting attitude. "Don't speak to me that way slut." I rolled my eyes "you're being ridiculous, all I asked for is water" he came of to me after talking to my aunt. "Excuse me?" I moved my head to the side because his forehead was basically touching mine. He grabbed my jaw and swim my face to face his. "Don't ever look away from me when I'm speaking to you, got it?" And he slapped me, my head smacked against the wall and the last thing I heard was Keegan screaming.

My eyes started to scan the room when I woke up. I instantly locked eyes with Declan, God he's going to be so pissed. George was walking away from Declan until he yelled "Lia!" George quickly turned around and pulled a gun out and pointed it towards Declan "shut the fuck up, both of you or I will kill that baby." My aunt was pacing around the room rambling to herself "George the cops are here. Get the kids and leave." She said to him. George got so mad that he accidentally pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes when I heard a scream. The last time I saw the gun it was still placed near Declan but thankfully I heard "Lia I'm okay" from him. I left out a deep breath and kept my eyes closed. The baby started kicking leaving my in pain. I couldn't run my belly bc i was still chained up. Keegan whispered to me "sissy, I think the cops are here, look" he said pointing out the window. I just nodded and put my finger to my mouth to quiet him. "George, its over. The police are here. You lost" and the second I said that the cops came barging in "you're under arrest for kidnapping of Keegan Bennett, attempted murder of these three minors, and rape of 5 different minors." Once that cop was telling Lilly and George their rights the other cops were releasing Keegan, Declan, and myself.

     After very long hours at the hospital and the police station we were finally released and could go home. Nothing was wrong with anyone, even the baby was healthy. The doctor did say I need to start resting more though. I wattled my way to the car, I put Keegan in his seat and went into mine. Declan entwined his fingers with mind and drove off. We finally reached the house around 5 am. I was exhausted and I could only imagine how Keegan feels. I tried to pick him up but I just can't anymore, I'm getting to big. Declan laughed at me and came around the car to carry Keegan inside and up the stairs. I wakes upstairs and went into my room. I laid down on the bed and turned tv on. I knew I wouldn't finish an episode. I was to tired to do anything. I closed my eyes and let slumber win.

Qofc(question of the chapter): Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl? Let me know I'm the comments!

I may have a surprise later today?¿

Vote, comment, and share!


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