Yes or no.

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The moment I saw those two lines, my cheeks were filled with warm, salty tears. "I'm pregnant" kept playing in my head. Johnny is the father and I'm the mother, I cried out begging my mom and dad to come back, but it was lost hope. They were never coming back to save me. I've let them, Keegan, and myself down. I've always kept to myself until I moved here, I need to tell Veronica that I need to move away. I can't have a kid, I can barley even raise a 7 year old, shit I can't even raise myself. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. I've been in here for twenty minutes. Declan called and texted me twice, I need to get going.

We were driving in silence because I knew if I talked I'd start crying again. I could tell that Declan wanted to ask why I took so long but he knew better. I scrolled through my timeline on Instagram, I clicked on the tag "baby", I probably shouldn't be doing this to myself but I was curious. All these pictures made my stomach turn. I told Declan to stop the car once more. I jumped out and puked on the side of the road. "I'll just walk, go ahead" he gave me a "are you stupid?" face. "Lia, its freezing and you're clearly sick" I shook my head, " I can see the house from here Declan. I'll be okay, I need air" he rolled his eyes and went off. I rubbed my stomach thinking how in nine months I'll be a mother of two kids. I felt my eyes heading up with tears but I quickly wiped them. I reached the house and went to my room quietly. I kicked off my shoes and slid onto my bed. I laid down with my knees to my stomach, I decided to let out my cries.

After an hour of crying, Veronica came in. "Hi honey, how are you?" She spoke softly. I told her to sit down, it's time to talk about me moving. "Veronica, in not doing so good." She pushed back her shoulder length hair "Oh honey, it's going to be okay now" I squeezed my eyes to hold back the tears, I couldn't let her see me like this. "Veronica, I appreciate everything you've done for me and Keegan. The job, the house, the protection but I think it's time for Keegan and I to move back home to California" she looked down as if she was now holding back her cries. "I figured this was coming soon. You know I love you as my own Lia, so I support anything you chose, okay? We can start looking tomorrow. I'll even pay for it, my treat just to get you on your feet" I hugged her tightly not wanting to let go. This woman will never take my moms place but she has a very special place in my heart. Soon after we finished our conversation she left me alone. I laid back down and turned on the tv, Nothing was really on other than SNL. I wasn't really in the middle for something funny. I switched on Netflix. My door knocked. "Come in" it was Declan, of course. "Hey Lia, can we talk?" I threw the remote down and nodded my head "yes, you can sit if you'd like" he sits in my computer chair and rubs his head as if he's stressed. "Is everything okay Declan?" He shook his head "I don't know Lia, I just got a call from Joe Flagon, the head of" I cut him off. "I know who Joe Flagon is Declan! The head of Ziv Corporates! The job you've wanted for months now. What's wrong with that?" He gave me a smile "they offered me a job as assistant manager but I'd have to move to South Carolina Lia. I've never been that far away from my mom, you know? What should I do?" My heart sank, South Carolina? It's so far away from me. We just started getting, wait what? Why do I even care, ew. I got up and walked over to him with my hand out reaching for his. He took my hand and I pulled him up to me. I have him a hug and whispered "follow your dreams Declan" he held me tightly, apart of me didn't want him to let go and he didn't. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Lia?" He asked. "Ya?" He mumbled in his shoulder. "Will you miss me?" He said lifting his head to meet my eyes. I stared into his deep brown eyes, saying to myself, "of course I'd miss you, we've gotten so close to the point where I don't even want you to go" but all I said was "yes, I'd miss your annoying ass" he kissed my forehead and let go. He was ready to leave my room until he stopped "hey, were you okay?" I instantly said yes but we all know I was lying, I think he knew that too because he said "sure you are" and just left.


I woke up and ran down stairs. I didn't feel like getting dressed today, I don't want to see or go anywhere today either. I saw everyone at the breakfast table eating or drinking coffee. Veronica gave me a look, I knew that look. She wanted me to sit down and tell Declan before Keegan came home. I sat down and picked at my food, I was so scared. How could I tell him something like this when he just got this job offer? But i knew I had to. "Um Declan, we need to talk" before I could finish Veronica spoke "I'm going to leave you two alone for this." She grabbed her coffee and waffles and went upstairs. I oh my attention back onto Declan. "Ya what's up? But before you start, I just want to say thank you for last night" I said you're welcome and began the bad news "Declan, I need to tell you something. I'm moving" the door swung open "I'm home!" Keegan Yelled loudly. "Keegan don't yell, you're what? Moving? Moving what Lia?" Declan said sternly. Keegan dropped his bag and came to sit on my lap " hi sissy and sorry uncle Declan" he said sweetly. I rubbed the back of his head and kissed his cheek "hey bud, why don't you go say hi to aunt Veronica, she really missed you." He had a bright smile on his face "okay! Can we cuddle later sissy?" I nodded and showed him the stairs. He ran off quickly and I looked at Declan "Declan, please" he put down his drink and covered his face "you're moving aren't you?" He said. I hesitated to answer "Lia answer me" all I could say back was "you are moving away anyways" he got up and walked away. I yelled out his name and he stopped "what Lia?" I walked over to him and place my hand on his wrist but he swung it off "don't walk away from me Declan" he came close to my face "I didn't take the job Lia, I wanted to be here with you" I wasn't expecting that whatsoever. "Declan.." he cut me off "don't bother, just leave Lia" after that he left. I slid down onto the floor and held onto my stomach.
   I was laying in bed with Keegan watching his favorite movie, Transformers. I told him to pause the movie so I could talk to him and he did so. "Hey bud, did you have fun?" He shrugged his shoulders "ya, I guess so. I really missed you though sissy. You're always at the hospital" I kissed his head and pulling him into a hug. "I'm okay honey, but I do need to talk to you about a couple of things okay? Can you be a big boy about them?" He smiled big and said yes. "Okay good, I knew you could. So, sissy took this test and I passed it, okay?" He said "congratulations sissy! I'm so proud of you" I laughed at his 7 year old brain. "Listen, it wasn't like a test you do at school, it's a pregnancy test." His eyes lit up "you're pregnant?" He said loudly. I tried to quiet him down so no one would hear. "Yes, I am but you can't tell anyone okay?" He got up and started jumping on the bed "okay sissy, I won't!". We were just about to start the movie until Veronica called us down for dinner. "Come on bud, let's go eat!".

  Keegan and Veronica were talking nonstop about the movie Transformers. Apparently she loves it almost as much as he does. Declan and I haven't said one word. We were both just starring at our food. I completely lost my appetite and I'm assuming he did too. "I feel like I am going to give child birth, I'm so stuffed!" Veronica said. We were all laughing until Keegan said what I least expected. "You're going to be like Lia then aunt Veronica! Sissy's pregnant too" I got up and ran upstairs embarrassed. All I wanted to do was cry. I understand he's only 7 but how could he?


   We were all sitting here listening to my mom and Keegan talk about some stupid movie. This dinner is taking forever, I have a date tonight with some girl, I forgot her name. We've been going out for a couple weeks now, and by going out I mean hooking up once or twice a week. She's fast and easy, just the way I like it. Anytime Lia spoke I drowned her out. I didn't care or want to hear what she had to say. How could she leave? I didn't even take the job. I just wanted to be with her but she's being so fucking stubborn and annoying but I guess that's my fault for not telling her. My thoughts were interrupted by Keegan loudly speaking and trust me, it was the last thing I thought would come out of this boy mouth "You're going to be like Lia then aunt Veronica! Sissy's pregnant too" I almost choked on my spaghetti when I heard him say this about Lia. She ran off. My mom was ready to follow her but I told her no. "I got it mom" I put down my napkin and jogged upstairs. I didn't bother knocking because I knew she'd tell me to go away. "Go away!" She said while crying. See, told you. She stubborn. "No Lia I'm not leaving. Tell me that this isn't true" she cried harder "I can't" she whispered. "You can't tell me this isn't true?" I asked just to make sure.  She sat up holding her head in her hands and nodded. I sighed and walked over to her. "Lia, you're pregnant?" She looked up "for the third time, yes. Now leave, just like you told me to leave! Go!" She yelled. I pulled her in to my chest "shut up Lia" and she just cried. I laid down, her still in my arms. "I can't do this Declan. I wasn't going to tell anyone. That's why I was moving out but I can't raise this baby alone, you know?" I ignored her and rubbed her head. She quickly fell asleep, then so did I.

Well, here we go guys, she's pregnant! Gahhh😬 pleaseeee don't hate me! And for the girl who said she'll burn down her house, please don't 😂. I appreciate all of you so much, thank you for getting me to where I am.

Do you guys really ship Declan and Lia? Or Justin and Lia?

Don't worry the book is not even close to being finished! I have great plans for this book ❤️

If you guys want to follow me;
Instagram: aryyannaaaa
Snap: aryanna163
Twitter: aryanna163

Xoxo- Aryanna!

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