Slippery Ice.

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It's been awkward between him and I since our kiss the other night. I've tried to speak to him but he's so short with me. I knew I shouldn't have did the dare, we were doing so good until then. I've asked Justin to speak to him but he won't even talk to him. These last few days he's been bringing girl after girl up to his room. He says he doesn't like me or anything but when shit like this happens he puts a wall up from me. I shook it off and started getting dressed.

   I put my hair up in a high pony and slipped my sneakers on

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I put my hair up in a high pony and slipped my sneakers on. I walked out of my room and went to go get Keegan. I'm taking him to go ice skating. "I'm all ready!" He yelled from his room. I walked in and saw Declan putting Keegan's hat on for him. "Hey Lia" Declan said quietly. "Oh hey, we're speaking now?" I said sarcastically. He got up and started walking away from me "now wait, I'm sorry. Why don't you come with us?" I asked. He smiled "ya, sure. I'll go get dressed" he said then walked out of sight.

"You're not going to fall Lia" Declan said holding out his hand. I continued holding the side of the ice rink "I will fall if I let go of this, so no. I will not hold onto you." I said sternly trying to make my point. He laughed at me "Lia, if you're little brother can ice skate, so can you" he says pointing to Keegan skating with his friends. I covered my face in fear and let go. I felt myself falling over but his hands grab onto me. I opened my eyes to see his face close to mine. "Lia" he said softly. "Ya?" I asked. He pulled me closer and put his forehead on mine "why did you stop the kiss?" I placed my hand on his chest and pushed away. "Because it was a game. Nothing more, right?" I asked nervously. He nods his head "true, ya, you're right. Lets go skate" I didn't respond. He took my hand and we continued to skate for hours.

"I'm ready to eat, Declan" I whined. "Me too, sissy" he stated. "Alright, come on. I'll drive you guys to a restaurant and I'll leave you two alone" Declan said. "You can come Declan. We wouldn't mind, right Keegan?" Keegan shook his head "yes! Come on uncle Declan. Please" he sang. "Fine, fine. Let's get this over with" he said harshly. Keegan ran up to the car and Declan and I stayed back. "Do you not want to come with us?" I asked. He stopped "I do but I just have a girl waiting for me" he smirked. "Ew! You're so gross Declan!" He threw his arm around my neck "but yet you still want me baby girl" he joked. I put my arm around his neck "in your dreams big boy" I said and skipped away. I heard his feet running after me. I started picking up my pace and we were both laughing and chasing each other. "Lia! Stop!" He said through his laughs "never! You won't catch me!" I scream back. He sadly caught up to me and picked me up from behind. "what were you saying? Because I think I just caught you" I gave up the fight and let him take me back to the car.

  "And for you ma'am?" The waiter asked. "I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with garlic parm fries. Oh! And a large orange juice. please" she nodded and walked away. "You eat a lot" Declan said seriously. "Hey! This girl can eat" I said pointing at myself. Keegan and him laughed at me. "You guys are always laughing at me. So rude" Declan started to say something but the waiter came. "Here you go guys". We all smiled and she left.

"Okay, Keegan go up to bed, please" I kissed his forehead and he ran walked upstairs. I turned to Declan and took off my coat "I'm sorry we took up your time tonight" I looked down. He lifted up my chin noticing I felt bad "I had more fun than I would have with her. I appreciated tonight Lia" I smiled and he grabbed my face and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync. He pushed me up against mine. I moaned out and he got his entrance he wanted and stuck his tongue into my mouth. He picked me up and brought me up stairs to my room. He threw me on the bed and hovered over me. "Declan" i moaned out. He took his shirt and pants off "you sure?" He spoke softly into my ear. I nodded and he instantly started kissing me again but roughly this time around. I entwined my fingers into his hair pulled softly making him moan. He lifted himself off of me and took off my underwear and stuck himself into me making me whimper. He thrusted into me picking up his pace each time. I knew I was scratching his back up but I didn't care. He put me on top of his and held my waist while he still out himself in me. I threw my head back moaning out his name. "I'm about to burst" I said. He did a couple more strokes until we both finished. I got off of him and breathed heavily. He rolled over and wrapped his arm around my naked body.

And then I woke up. "What the fuck kind of dream was that!" I said to myself. Why did I dream that? I just dreamed about him and i having sex after a date! Oh my god. No, no, no. "Hey Lia, I'm taking Keegan out today, want to come?" Declan asked. I shook my head no. "I'm okay, I need more sleep, thanks" he nodded and left. I laid back down and put a pillow over my face. ugh.

Ps. Don't hate me!!! I'm sorry😭😭 but once again, thank you for 5K ❤️️❤️️ you guys are great.
Check out my other story's ❤️️

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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