Its All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Hurt.

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  Yes, once again Declan and I hate each other. It's a none stop battle between us. I really don't think we should be in the same house anymore. I've considered looking for a small apartment for Keegan and I. I haven't talked to Keegan or Veronica about it yet, I don't really have my mind set on anything for now. I just can't keep fighting with Declan, we're not good together. I continue to look at the newspapers every morning to find something but nothing ever pops out at me. "Dear, why do you keep looking at houses, are you planning on moving?" Veronica speaks after taking her last sip of her coffee. "uh, no. Just looking" a sad look came over her. "Lia, I don't want you guys to leave. This was never a temporary thing, you're family now" she frowned. I feel guilty that these thoughts are even coming into my head, and I feel even more guilty because it's not her that's making me want to move. "Veronica, I thought about it, but you're right, were family and I don't want to leave that" I say to her honestly. "You're moving?" Declan says out of nowhere. I turned around in the chair and saw him standing there with a whitened face "no, I'm not Declan" I say to him. He unfroze himself and started walking into the kitchen, I got up and put my dishes in the sink and went on my way upstairs.

   I started to get dressed in something warm and cute

 I put on the necklace Declan gave me for Christmas last week

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I put on the necklace Declan gave me for Christmas last week. As much as we fight he holds a place in my heart after that night. After, seeing him so happy about the tickets I got him I remembered it was for the both of us and it gave me an idea. I put my phone into my pocket and grabbed my purse. I walked to Declan's room, letting myself in "get up" I demanded not seeing him listening to music. I walked closer to his bed and tapped his head "Declan!" I yelled. He jumped and threw his headphones out of his ears "what Lia, fuck" he barked. I didn't mean to upset him but it was kinda funny if you ask me. "Get dressed, please?" I asked politely and asked why. "Because I want to go to Fun Land with you, remember?" His face lit up as if he remembered. "I'll get dressed, just go to the car and I'll meet you there" he said. I wondered why we weren't going together but I didn't question it. I nodded and walked out of his smelly room and went downstairs. "Veronica, Declan and I are leaving for a little, alright?" She says yes but doesn't pay attention. She's been working on opening a second Demarco's so she's been very busy.

I got to Fun Land about 20 minutes ago and still haven't seen or heard from Declan. I've called and texted him multiple times but no answer. He has the tickets so I can't even go in. I decided it was time for me to leave because it was starting to get cold. I took my phone out and texted him to tell him so.

Lia: I'm leaving, thanks so much for showing up.
Declan: Lia, I'm on my way now.
Lia: whatever. I'm going home.

I was just about to pull out until I saw his head popping out of his car window. "Lia don't go" he shouted. I rolled my eyes as if it was my job and got out of the car. I walked into the place and got in line. "Excuse me, excuse me" I heard Declan say while pushing through the crowd. I started giggling to myself at how ridiculous he sounds. "Lia, I'm here. See?" He asks showing the envelope in his hands. I groan at him and look the other way. "God damnit Lia, Im sorry!" I continue to not look at him "for what Declan, nothing to apologize for" I say sternly, He chuckles to himself "Lia, you make it so hard to be friends with you" I quickly turn around to face him "excuse me? How so?" He grabs my arm lightly "Lia, you don't let anyone in. I've apologized for everything I've done wrong, so please accept my apology for once and let's have fun" he said pointing around the room filled with arcade games. "Fine, I'll get off my high horse" I joked at him for what he said on Christmas. "Shut up" he laughs and pulls me into a hug.  We finally reached the counter "how may I help you?" The employee asked. Declan stepped up "um we have two tickets and a bucket of 50 wings coupon" the lady offers a smile and takes the coupon. "Is this your girlfriend? You guys are absolutely adorable" my cheeks turned warm and I noticed his did as well "no, were not together. Just friends" my stomach turned, I don't feel good anymore. "Well, that's too bad. Y'all would be cute" we thanked her and went to go play some games.

After 2 hours of playing games, shooting hoops, and competing each other Declan finally asked me if I was hungry.  "Ready to eat then?" He asked me. "Ya" I replied. We found a table to sit at and ordered our meals. "These wings look delicious" he says shoving a wing into his mouth. "ya" I say. I still don't feel all that great, but I'm really enjoying myself. We've gotten along great these 2 hours. I would do this again.  "Lia are you okay?" I nod my head "ya, I'll be" I was cut off by my phone ringing. "Hold on" he says okay and I get up to leave the table.

Lilly: Lia, hi! It's aunt Lilly
Lia: oh hi, How are you?
Lilly: very well, hope to see you for dinner tonight still?
Lia: most definitely! I'll be there in like an hour
Lilly: sounds good! Bye darling!
Lia: bye!

   Fuck. I completely forgot! I ran back to Declan "hey, we have to go" he looked upset and confused at the same time "why? Is everything okay?" No not at all honestly. "Yes, i just completely forgot I have a family dinner, I will make it up to you, I'm so sorry" his face lit up as if he gotten a brilliant idea "you can make it up to me now" he said. "um how? I have to go Declan" he did one of his signature smirks "let me come with you" I almost chocked on the Mountain Dew I was taking a sip of. "no, absolutely not" he got up and grabbed my hand "let's go, we have a party to attend madam" he grabbed the box of wings and the pizza and walked out with my hand still in his.

Ps. 2K!? Guys thank you! I appreciate it so much!! Sorry to leave you hanging on this 😉 next chapter will be eventful!

Check out my other story's ❤️️

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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