Dont Play On Playgrounds.

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    A couple months after telling justin, and everyone else. I've become more accepting of this pregnancy. Declan comes to every single appointment, I appreciate him in every way possible. He has honestly kept me on my feet these last 5 months. I am definitely showing that I'm 5 months pregnant, I've got nothing but support from every single person I've interacted with. It feels so good to be accepted as who I am. There's just one last person I need to tell; Sofia. I don't know how she'll react but I'm hoping it's good. Thankfully Sofia just got a job watching a little boy named Elliot. He's only a year older than Keegan, Sofia asked me if Keegan and I wanted to come to the park with them. Of course, I couldn't turn down that offer. I think I was more excited to go to the park than Keegan was, sad, isn't it? I picked out my outfit after I took a long hot shower.

Keegan has been calling my name for the past 20 minutes now

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Keegan has been calling my name for the past 20 minutes now. I'm debating on telling Declan that I'm going, I probably won't. "Keegan you ready?" I yelled to his room. "Uh ya, I've been ready since an hour ago sissy" he said coming into my room. I ruffled his hair, "let's go buddy." We ran down stairs just in time. I heard Declan's door open when we hit the front stairs. The reason I'm not telling him that I'm going is because I don't want him thinking I'm going to see Justin, I don't really see why it matters but they haven't talked ever since I told Declan about Justing asking to kiss me. I never thought I'd ruin a friendship, and I don't know why he's so upset about it.

Sofia: omg are you here yet Lia!? This kid is driving me nuts!
Lia: haha haven't even left the house yet
Lia: I am, I am. I'm walking up now.

    I knew it would piss her off. Sofia hates kids, I don't understand why she wanted a babysitting job. "Money, Lia. That's why" I didn't realize I was saying my thoughts out loud. "Well, you better be getting paid good" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes "ya, barely" we both started laughing. Keegan tugged on my shirt "can I go play now?" My eyes almost flew out of my head "oh my goodness, yes of course. I'm so sorry" he just ran off. I looked over to Sofia "so how's alex?" Her eyes lit up "Lia, she's great. I saw her this morning, I really need to tell my brother my parents. Please help me?" I wiped the mayo off the side of my lips while nodding my head "of course I'll help you. Give me a time and place and I'm yours" she put down her sandwich "tonight?" I almost chocked on mine "yes! I'll just sleep over, ya?" She nodded and continued to eat. "wait, wheres Keegan" I threw my lunch bag onto the bench and went to search for him. My nerves started to raise. I shouldn't of taken my eyes of him, god I'm such an Idiot! I heard Sofia and a few other call out his name. Elliot was running around looking as well. I looked everywhere and he was nowhere to be found. I grabbed my head thinking as to where he could've gone. I looked up and I saw him. I ran over to him and said "Keegan! Where" but I was soon cutoff to realize it wasn't him. I started to panic more and more each second. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and dialed 911.

911: hello this is 911 how can I help you?
Lia: my son, he's missing.
911: okay, ma'am calm down. Explain to me what happened.
Lia: I am at a park with my friend and I took my eyes off of him for 10 minutes and he's nowhere to be found.

     I started to cry as the 911 operator kept talking. I blocked out most of what she was saying. She kept telling me to calm down but I can't. Does she not realize what is going on right now?

Lia: can you just send someone here please!
911: yes ma'am. They are on their way.

    I just thanked her and hung up the phone. I began to search for him again but still no sign of Keegan. I called Declan. 

Declan: hey baby girl, why'd
Lia: please shut up. Keegan is gone!
Declan: what are you talking about?
Lia: ugh you're no help! He's gone Declan!
Declan: where are you? I'm coming now.

    I gave him the address and waited patiently. I just want my little brother.

   I was tapped on the shoulder and I looked up to see 5 male cops. "Hello ma'am, are you the parent who called in a missing child?" I shook my head vigorously "yes, that's me. Please tell me you put amber alerts, posters, billboards, anything to find him" the one cop who was very big and muscular walked closer to me. "Ma'am, we can't do any of those things until he's been missing for more than 48 hours." I started to grow angrier and angrier. "So you're telling me we can't do shit to find him until he's gone for more than 2 fucking days!" I yelled. I felt a hand on my waist "Lia, shh. Calm down." I relaxed in his arms to the sound of his whispering voice. "Sir, please control your girlfriend. I'm just telling her the law" I could hear people talking but couldn't hear what they were saying. Everything kind of went numb and dark.

I didn't even get the chance to tell Sofia about the baby. I'm sitting in my room by myself trying not to panic even more. No one will let me leave my room, which is starting to upset me because I need to find Keegan. "Lia?" Declan said sneaking into my room. "Did you find him?" I said loudly. He shook his head, once he came into the light I could see his blood shot eyes, he's been crying. "You've been crying haven't you?" He shook his head "no, I don't cry. I'm just worried" I have him a look "Declan, you can't play that tough boy act around me anymore." He shrugged his shoulders "I thought I'd at least try." He came up into my bed and held me. "You know, we will find him?" He said into my neck. I felt a tear gliding down my cheek. I lifted my shirt up and started rubbing my belly. "How am I going to take care of this baby? I can't even keep track of my 7 year old Declan" he pulled me closer and said "Lia, were going to do great taking care of this baby." Were? Is he implying that him and I are raising this child together? "Were?" I said. He raised his hand and laid it down onto my stomach "of course. I've been to every appointment with you, she's mine as much as she's yours" I smiled to myself when he said she. I really hope it's a girl "she? So you think I'm having a girl?" He lifted his head up to face me. "Yes, I do. I think we're going to have a beautiful daughter. Does Johnny even know?" I tenses up at his name. Nothing came out just me shaking my head no. He sat up and kissed my head and then my stomach. He lifted up my shirt a little higher and started to talk to the baby. "Hi baby girl, how are you? We can't wait to see you when you come out" the baby started kicking to Declan's voice "oh my god Declan! She kicked!" He was ready to talk but we were interrupted "hey, so I just made posters for Keegan. Oh my, I'm so sorry, kicked? She? Are you not telling me something Lia?" I sat up and pulled my shirt down. "Sof, sit down please." She did so. I looked nervous, she kept picking at her fingers as if I was going to tell her I killed someone. "I'm pregnant" her eyes lit up and jumped "oh my god! Declan how could you be so careless!" His hands went up in surrender "woah, we didn't have sex! We haven't even kissed!" Shit, she doesn't know about Johnny thing. "um Lia? Explain" I pulled my hair back and told her to sit down again. "Lia, i was raped. By Johnny" she didn't say one word. All she did was pull me into a hug "I'm going to kill that bastard!" I hugged her tighter "ya, me too. But I'm raising the baby as my own with Lia. We agreed on it" I pushed her off of me and looked at Declan "Declan, we didn't agree on anything" Sofia got up "alrighty, well I think I'm going to exit myself. See ya Lia bear. I'll come by Tomorrow so we can find Keegan" we said I love you and she left. "Lia, let me" I shook my head "you can't stop your life for me Declan." He grabbed my face

"I will do anything for you"

I enjoyed everyone commenting on the question I asked. Should I do a question each chapter?? Let me know in the comments!

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Xoxo- Aryanna

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