Girls Night With Declan.

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  It feels so good to be out of that stinky hospital. Declan is driving me to see Johnny. He didn't come to see me, which kind of hurt but I need to speak to him about a few things. The last time we saw each other let alone spoke was the day of our date, which was before Christmas, well he hasn't talked to me I should say. I text him almost everyday but I've given up, I can't be with someone who doesn't give me the time of day. "You're going to be okay in there?" Declan asks sweetly.  I rest my hand on his thigh "I'll be fine, thank you" I didn't feel him tighten up when I touched him but when I let go I could see his whole body relax itself again. "We're here" he says blankly. I hug him and got out of the car.

    I'm standing here in the snow waiting for him to answer the door. I've called and texted him again and again. I'll knock on the door once more and if he doesn't answer, I'll leave. "Coming, what the fuck" he yelled. Wow, don't have to be a dickhead. "What" he said sternly "oh it's you, hi babe" he says taking a second look "hi. We need to talk" I said pointing to him and I. He nods and lets me in. His house is absolutely gorgeous, you can smell pinecone in his living room. "Sit, please" he shows me a seat. "So, we haven't talked in awhile" I say to him. He looks down at his feet "ya, sorry. I've been really busy with work Lia." I started playing with my hair, I tend to do that when I'm nervous. "Ya, i get that but i was in the hospital Johnny?" I said more as a question. He got up and scratched the back of his head "Lia, we weren't together. I was seeing other people while I was with you, I thought you understood that" tears in my eyes started form, I didn't know how to react. He acted as if he liked me and wanted to be with me. "So you used me?" I asked and he laughed "no, absolutely not. I just don't like being with only one girl." I felt a tear stream down my face and I quickly wiped it away "I have to go" I spat. I texted Declan that I was coming out. "Lia, you don't have to go. We can still continue this but I'm not just going to be seeing you." I ignored him and ran outside. Declan gave me a worried look "you okay baby girl?" He asked out loud. I nodded my head and pretended nothing happened "oh yes, I'm great. Thank you!" He didn't look or say anything for the rest of the ride.

Sofia: bitch!!!!
Lia: hey girly 😂
Sofia: can I come over when Justin does 😭
Lia: ew why are you asking!? Of course you can!
Sofia: omfg yay! Girls night!

  This sound be fun! I got up off my bed and started to get dressed.

I put my hair in a high pony and cleaned up my room a little

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I put my hair in a high pony and cleaned up my room a little.

   "Lia!" I heard a screeching voice I opened my door letting Sofia in. "Hello! Girl talk now, please!" I showed her my bed and we both sat down "okay, talk" she fell back onto my bed "girl trouble" i laugh at my best friend "what's going on? Spill already!" She covered her face when she turned bright red thinking about what she was going to tell me, I assume "we kissed! Alex and I freaking kissed Lia!" Alex has been Sofias online friend for months, she lived in Rochester, New York but recently moved her to New York City, Sofia is starting to fall for this girl but nobody knows she Lesbian but me. "Oh my god, seriously?" She jumped up and screamed "yes!" We both started laughing as hard as we could. We heard footsteps running "uh oh" we said in sync "let em in" I say rolling my eyes. She got up and opened the door "what do you dweebs want?" She said harshly, I chuckled to myself "be nice sis" justin spoke. "Uh rude" Sofia said when Declan pushed her to the side to come sit on my bed "let's play truth or dare" Sofia yelled. "Absolutely not!" I demanded. They all gave me the "what the fuck" look. I throw my hands up "fine, fine" Sofia clapped in joy "okay, everyone sit in a circle!" She said. We did what was told and started the game.

"Lia, you're turned" Sofia said. I actually started to believe they forgot about me because I haven't gotten asked once until now, shit. "Truth or dare, Lia bear" she asked. My stomach started turning, due to the fact that I have a play this game before "dare" I said instantly regretting my decisions. She smirked "I dare you to make out with Declan" oh no, no, no Sofia. God, why him? Anyone but Declan. I looked over at him and he seemed to not be paying attention "uh hello, Declan" justin said throwing a pencil at him. "Uh um ya? What's up?" We all started laughing "I dared Lia to make out with you" he straightened himself up and put his phone down then looked at me "okay? So go on guys! What are we waiting for!" Sofia said rolling her deep brown eyes. I scooted over to Declan and he smiled at me he grabbed my face and pulled me closer to his and whispered into my ear "I knew you've always wanted to kiss me" I could feel his smirk on my cheek. I was going to smack his arm but he pulled me into fast. I grabbed his face and started kissing Declan. He pulled me on top of him, his hand started gliding down my waist. Right before it hit my ass I stopped the kiss. I patted his chest and got off of him "there ya go, I kissed Declan." All their faces, including Declan's were blank "what?" I asked dumbly. Sofia spoke up first "why'd you stop?" I looked at Declan and shook my head "no more. Continue" they all shrugged their shoulders and we continued for the rest of the night.

Ps. Thank you guys for 3K almost 4, you are truly amazing!
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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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