Hanging by a thread.

730 31 5

    3rd time of being raped. I laugh at myself for being so dumb. I sit in the hospital bed looking at myself in the long mirror in the corner of the room. I started crying hard. This is why I don't have fun, I was a virgin until he raped me and now? Ha I'm disgusting. I always felt bad for rape victims but I never thought I would be one. The door was knocked on and I quickly wiped my tears and fixed myself up. "Hi Ms. Bennett can we talk?" The doctor asked. I sat up and wondered what she needed to talk about. I'm scared she figured out what happened. I told the doctors that I took some meds and fell. She looked down and took a breath out. "Listen, honey we need you tell me what happened" I froze "but I've already told you what happened" I lied. She wiped her lip and pulled her hair back "Lia, we know you didn't fall." I placed my head into my hands and muffled "how?" I didn't bother fighting it. Maybe it's time to tell her and people the truth. "Your boyfriend told me you were raped honey" boyfriend? Johnny? Declan? Justin? "I don't have a boyfriend?" She looked at her clipboard of papers "um the name is Declan Demarco" I lifted my head and gave her a blank stare "what did he say doctor?" She put down her clipboard "he said you went to a party and some guy raped you and it's not the first or second time. Now, you haven't showered so we need to do a rape kit." A tear fell down "why? I'm fine. He shouldn't of told you that" right when I finished talking Declan walked in. "Lia, I need, oh, guess I'm too late" I told the doctor to give us a second and she left.

    "You weren't supposed to tell the doctor Declan!" I spat. He came to sit next to me and put his hand on my thigh and I pulled away "Lia please, it was your third time being raped. George did it and now this guy. You need help" I cried harder than I did this morning. I couldn't hold it in anymore I had to let it out. Ive been so numb. I act as if everything is fine but it's not. I'm hurting, I can't bare having a man look at me without thinking he wants to hurt me. "It wasn't your call Declan" I said in between tears. He lifted up my face and kissed my head. "Baby girl, talk to the doctor" I nodded and he got up and left. Soon after the doctor came back with two other women with a bag of devices, I'm guessing it's the rape kit.

    After the exam I laid down in my bed holding my knees close to my stomach. The door opened, I didn't bother to check. The person slid into my bed and put their hand around my waist. I looked back to see Declan "what do you want Declan?" He pulls me close and kisses my head like he did earlier. "I'm sorry Lia" I turned around to face him and put my head on his chest "I should've told earlier huh?" He rubs my head and didn't answer. I quickly wiped the tears that fell. My face felt stiff from the dried tears. We both fell asleep in each other's arms.


I woke up to the sight of the bright sun. Once my eyes adjusted I saw I was alone in my hospital room. I ran my fingers in my nappy hair and put it up. The doctor walked in with 2 cops. "Lia, the results are back" my stomach was tied up in knots. I don't know if I'm ready to hear who did this to me. "Hi Lia, I'm detective Peterson. We need to talk about the event that placed a couple days ago" she says. I pulled off the blankets and blocked out their voices. I didn't want to hear it, I couldn't bare the agony that this will give me. The continued to talk but I began numb "Ms. Bennett?" The one detective questioned. I got shock back into reality "yes? Sorry." She sat down "the name is Johnny Crane, know him?" She asked. My heart broke, how could he do this? I didn't see his face it was so dark. "Ya, I know him. It was dark so I didn't see him whatsoever" detective Peterson smiled "you don't need to explain yourself. This isn't your fault but you were intoxicated and the DA will use that against you" I cut her off "woah, woah wait. DA? Court? I don't think I want to deal with that or press charges detective" she nods her head "honey, that's your choice but we need to tell you what's to be expected if you do follow through." Declan barged in "what's going on?" He says jogging over to me, I looked over at him "it's okay. Their talking about me taking Johnny to trial." He looked upset. I just realized he didn't know who did this to me. "Wait a minute. Johnny? Your ex?" I nodded and the detective stood up "your ex? Oh man. The DA won't like this" I ran my fingers through my pony tail "I said I wasn't taking this to court. Please leave, I need time to think" they all stood up and left. Declan sat down and took a sip of his coffee. "Lia" I stopped him "don't. I'm not taking this to court. I just want to go home to Keegan." Veronica walked in with Keegan. "Hi sissy" he said softly. He walked up to me and I picked him up and sat him on my lap "how are you sweetheart?" Veronica asks. I shook my head telling her not to talk about it with Keegan in the room. She nodded in understanding. "But I'm fine, I just want to go home" she smiled "you can tomorrow Lia. Hang tight okay?" She stood up and left with Keegan and Declan.

I went through my phone and scrolled through Sofia's texts.

Sofia: I'm so worried about you
Sofia: I just heard. are you okay?
Sofia: when can I see you!?!?
Justin: are you okay?
Justin: is Declan taking care of you?
Justin: Lia when can I see you?

I stopped reading her and Justin's texts. I just couldn't tell them or let them see me. I clicked off my phone and squeezed my eyes shut holding in the tears. I'm so tired of crying, all day I've cried. I just want to sleep without the nightmares but they keep coming back night after night. The fear took over me and I fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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