Pleasure Sometimes Brings Pain.

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**= next day

   veronica and I have been getting along better. She no longer yells at me every two seconds and I no longer slack. Let me just say, I don't know how her child at home deals with that. I wonder how old they are. "Lia, you're free to go home. Good job tonight. I'm starting to not regret putting you back on the team" I started walking towards her "thank you Veronica. I'll see you tomorrow" I spun on my heel and left the restaurant.

  I didn't have my car tonight so I had to walk home. It was very late, maybe around 10. You could easily hear a pin fall  with the silence that's upon me. The wind starts to get piercing. It's the middle of October and fall will soon end. My home, is only a few blocks more. I start to pick up my pace. I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I pick up my feet a little more. I threw my purse around me and started running. I don't know what that persons intentions were but I didn't want to chance it. Keegan is having a sleep over this weekend so it'll just be me and aunt Lilly and probably her boyfriend of the week. I finally reached my doorstep and unlocked my door. Closing the door behind me seeing nothing but pure darkness. I quietly set my keys down and ran upstairs which made my small body hit a bigger body causing me to almost falling down the stairs. I felt two hands grab my waist "there ya go little lady, you're safe" he winks at me. I grunt in disgust. "um thanks. Who are you?" I asked. He chuckles and pushes me into the wall letting me hit my head a bit. "I'm George, Lillian's Boyfriend. I'll be here for awhile" I can smell the alcohol that flowed out with his words. "Oh, great. Another boy toy. Super fun." I tried to get out of his hold but he grabbed my wrist making it hard to move. "Excuse me little bitch?" I was taken back from his language towards me "I'm sorry" he took his free hand put it around my neck. "do not ever speak to me like that again, got it?" It was getting harder and harder to breathe every second "I can't breathe" I coughed up "good now show me your room or I won't let go" he angrily spoke. I pointed to the room with the letters spelling "Lia" in big black letters. "Right there" he let go of my neck and took my hand "lay in bed" I started to tense up, is this really happening? I nod my head and do what's been told. I was about to scream as he laid in my bed with me hoping Lilly would hear but he cuffed his strong hand over my mouth. "Try to scream again and see what happens you slut." he pulls down my work pants, including my underwear. This can not be happening. I'm a virgin. I can't possibly lose my virginity this way. I can't possibly be getting raped right now. He shoves his bulge into my tightness. "Wow, you're super tight" I let out soft whimpers praying to someone to help me. He goes faster and deeper. I cry harder and harder until I feel his hands grip my neck "I'm about to cum in you" I try to push him with all my strength but I'm to weak, I'm so weak that he doesn't even realize that I was trying to push him off of me. "Oh you like that?" I shook my head no. I couldn't talk, I felt completely frozen. I felt his bulge twitch and he pulled out of me. He kissed my head and left the room "goodnight little lady, I'll see you again" I lay there crying, not making a single move. How could I let this happen to me? How could I just sit there like it was okay?


  I didn't sleep one bit last night. I was to scared too. Every creak I heard I flinched. Keegan is coming home and I need to find a place to stay. I can't have him here while that monster is in this house. What if he hurts me again? Or Keegan. I can't be here anymore. I slowly get up knowing how much pain I am in. I grab my phone off the dresser and call the home Keegan is at.

The mom: hello?
Lia: hi! This is Lia, Keegan's sister.
The mom: oh hi sweetheart! He's ready to leave if you need him.
Lia: if you don't mind, ya. I would like to pick him up. Thank you
The mom: Oh of course! I'll get him ready now. Bye hon!
Lia: okay, bye!

  I quietly ran out of the house with a bag of clothes and went on my way to Keegan.

  "Hi Lia!" Keegan showed me a huge smile. I was still in so much pain but I couldn't show him that. I forced a fake smile and said hi. "Um, were not staying at Lilly's anymore, okay bud?" He nods and doesn't questions me. We spent the whole day together and now it's time to find a place to stay. We went to three shelters and they didn't accepted us. I had one option. It wasn't the best idea but I needed Keegan safe. We pulled into Demarco's and got out of the car "sissy, why are we at your worky?" He ignored his question. "Come on, let's go" I picked him up and ran across the street. I unlocked the door and brought him into the office where Veronica works. I made us a small bed. "Get some sleep baby" I kissed his head and he fell asleep. I fell asleep a couple minutes after him.

  I was woken up by a bright light flashing in my eyes. I murmured profanities under my breath realizing who that was.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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