Happy Smiles, Sad Souls.

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    You know you're sad when you sit there in bed while the world is still spinning but you feel as if you're frozen in this time of pain. I sit here wondering how I've made it another year. Tomorrow, I'll be 20. Nothing special, still can't legally drink, just another year here when I don't want to be. I was always a happy child when I was back home. Ya, my parents weren't ever in the picture but that never stopped me from being a crazy kid, and now? I'm a mother of two kids, I have absolutely no career choice and I live with my boss and her son. Fun right? No. I'm very great full for what I have, I just know I could do so much better. My heart aches all the time thinking about all the terrible things that has happened to me while leaving here. I turn over facing my big window staring outside to see no movement, no laughter, no tears, just plain nothings. Is there any fun or kids anymore? No, just trees dancing with the wind in pure darkness, it's a beautiful sight to see but it gets old after awhile. Maybe that's why kids don't run around in the grass until their brand new jeans have green stains on the knees of their pants anymore, it gets tiring and old. Just like life, same stuff everyday. You tend to get tired of the same routine; wake up, take care of everyone, eat, sleep. You do it over and over and over again and nothing changes, you get the same result. I feel my eyes getting heavy and I let the tiredness win.


   Happy birthday to me. I wake up to the sweet smell of waffles, bacon, and warm syrup. I get up and start getting ready for my day. Take a shower, get dressed, and make up.

After putting my hair in a messy bun and I looked at myself in the mirror

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After putting my hair in a messy bun and I looked at myself in the mirror. I point out all of my flaws. Messy hair, big, wrinkles, and so on. I don't see what other people see, I can't. I just see plain ole Lia. "Lia come on, You're taking forever. I'm hungry!" Veronica yelled. "Coming" I whispered back. I wonder if anyone even knows today is my birthday, but then I forgot I have Keegan to tell the world.

I sit here eating my waffles, listening to everyone conversation. I butt in "these waffles are really good Veronica, thank you" she nods and continues to talk to Declan. I think my day is going pretty well if no one knows today is the day. The only person I wish would say it is Keegan. After eating, I cleaned off the table and went back upstairs with Keegan. "Hey bud, what's up?" I asked. He pauses his game of Legos and looked up "I know it's your birthday Lia." He said sternly. I huffed and rubbed my face. I got up and sat on the floor next to his little body. "Let's do sissy Lia a big favor, ya?" He looks up once more with a concerned face "what's that?" He says in his Batman's voice. I laughed at him and ruffed his hair "I'm serious, Keeg. I don't want anyone knowing." The door bursted open. "Do i get any privacy in this house, Declan?" I spat. He pretended to think about the answer but quickly replied simply with a "no". "But because you asked such a silly question. I, now have a question to ask you" I roll my eyes and pay no mind to him. "Lia, what don't you want people to know?" Before I could spit a word out, even a breath out Keegan spoke up cheerfully "oh! It's Lia's Birth" I cut him off with my hand covering his mouth. "It's my birth stone. I don't want anyone knowing it, super top secret" he chuckles to himself "are you serious? You don't want anyone to know your "birthstone""? I shook my head fast. He got up and started to leave until he stopped. "Keegan, why don't you go downstairs with auntie Veronica, please" he drops his toys and runs while screaming "I'm coming for you auntie V" again, in his Batman's voice. "Lia, what's up" I got up from the floor and walked to my bed. "It's my birthday, Declan." His eyes lit up. I mumbled an "oh man, here it goes." "happy birthday Lia!" He yelled. I hid my face with my hands out of embarrassment. "Oh come on Lia, it's your special day!" He sang. I ignored him and started to laugh. "Why are you more excited than I am?" I said to him. He ran over to me and lifted me up by my hands "come on, get up and let's go out." I pulled my arms out of his hold "I don't want to go out Declan. Why can't we just stay here with family and relax, ya?" He sat there thinking. "How about this, just listen before you tell me your answer. We can stay here" I began to listen and became excited to stay home "and I just invite Justin and Sofia over and we can have a small get together here! Ill order pizza and we'll just hang here Lia" he finished. I was ready to speak but he covered my mouth "just think about it. I have to go to the store and when I get back, I want an answer" he left my room leaving my all alone. I will probably give in and let him be happy.

After an hour of him being gone, I sat on the couch in the living room patiently waiting. He has texted me time after time telling me to not make a choice yet. I roll my eyes and ignore every text. Soon after his last text my phone started going off the hook with texts saying "Happy Birthday". There was a slight knock on the door. I throw my phone down and walk up the two stairs that lead to the front door to see Sofia's and Alex's face. "Hey birthday girl!" They said one after another. "Thanks guys, no big deal." I was stopped from shutting the door by a foot. "Don't close me out of my house baby girl" I grabbed Declan's collar and pulled him in. "So?" He sang while setting up. "Well, I've made my decision but clearly you have your mind set on having this get together so you're lucky I'm agreeing." He dropped the plastic cups and ran over to me. "You're serious?" He asked with excitement in his voice. I nodded my head and walked away with my hand rubbing on my stomach. She's getting so big, Declan and I have been talking about names. Before we found out us was a girl we were going to name the baby Aiden, if it was a boy. We have no ideas for her as of right now, it worries me because we're so far in the pregnancy and still don't have a name picked out. I sat down next to Sofia and started chatting with her. The only people who came was alex, Sofia, Veronica, Keegan, justin and Justin's new girlfriend Charley. She was very pretty, beautiful natural red hair with dark brown eyes. She was very small but you could tell she had some fight in her. She got up and went to get something to eat. "So Justin, Charley seems nice" he smiled to himself as the thought of her hit his mind. "She really is. We met at the basketball court that I was telling you about" I grabbed his hand "you deserve this, Justin" he nods and pulls his attention back to Charley. "Let's all take a shot for little miss birthday girl here since she can't" I faked a laugh at Declan "ha ha ha so funny, enjoy your stupid shot" I said sarcastically. They all drank and cheered. Declan then put his glass down and stood up. He cleared his theist to get everyone attention "Lia, we've been through hell and back the past year. I know you're not the happiest with me taking a role as the father of your child but Lia, I've never been so happy with a life changing decision. You make me the happiest man and now you're giving me a child I can love and adore. Today celebrates the most amazing girl we were all blessed to welcome on our lives. Thank you Lia"  after everyone spoke I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. My hormones are all messed up right now. I can feel snot dripping down my face. I get up and hug him and everyone tightly.  this little family that I've made in the past year or so has given me the most hope and soon my daughter will be loved by every single one of them. I pulled Keegan up to me and kissed his head. "I love you little man" he hugged me and then kissed the baby.

    After everyone left I went upstairs with Keegan. He went straight to my bathroom to get into the bath and change into his pajamas. "All done sissy!" I smiled at him "okay honey, it's time to get in bed, okay? I've let you stay up late tonight so no fuss" he ran over to me and gave me a kiss. He climbed onto my tall bed. "'Night sissy" "night baby". I shut off my light and sat in my chair. Once again, staring outside looking at the trees dancing with the wind. My door opened, I looked back to see Declan. "Hey, thank you for tonight" he ignored me. "Is everything okay?" I said worriedly. He looked into my eyes not losing focus. He walked closer and closer to me. "Declan" I whispered. He reached me, our foreheads touching. He gripped my face lightly and smiled. His soft lips met with mine. I didn't pull away because in that small moment, it felt right. I lost control and let him take over. I reached my hands to the back of his shirt, gripping tightly. He pushed my back into the wall without hurting me. I knew in the second I had to stop. I let go of his shirt and placed my palm on his hard stomach "please, we can't do this Declan. I don't, I don't feel the same way" he backed up and gave me a small nod. He rubbed his face then quickly punched the wall and left. I was left speechless. I touched my swollen lip from him sucking on them. I walked to my bed and got in. The scene played over and over until I fell asleep.

Yikes, On many levels. This chapter sucked, I'm sorry guys! Lots going on but I felt like I needed to upload for you.

Qotc: what are some girl names?

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Xoxo- Aryanna 💋

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