I Woke Up.

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   After our fight last night, he left. I don't think I've ever been so heart broken in my life. Today, just sitting here looking at my ceiling listening to the wind howling I've came to the realization that I've fallen hard for my bully. I think to myself how? How could this possibly be? For all these years I've had nothing but hate for him until I saw him in the mall that day but even if I hadn't of seen him, life would still be the same. I would've still ended up in his home. I never thought he could possibly mean everything and more to me. The way he stepped up to be Ellie's dad when we both knew he didn't need to made me know he's the one I needed. I know this sounds like a cliche book, the good girl falls in love with her bad boy bully and I will be the first to admit, that it is but he has been the only light in my life. I can't bare living without him. I quickly shut down these feelings every time they a rose because I didn't think they were possible. My phone started to buzz on the end table. I hesitated to look because I didn't feel like talking to anyone but Declan. It continued to buzz. "Why can't i just be left alone" I yelled. I rolled over and collected myself before grabbing my phone. I picked it up and read 3 messages from Justin, great.

Justin: he just left my house to go to the train station Lia.
Justin: Lia. Answer your phone.
Justin: call me, now.

  I do what I was told. Justin picked up after the second ring.

Justin: Lia?
Lia: ya its me
Justin: he told me not to tell you but he's going to grand center to go to South Carolina.
Lia: I need to go, bye.
Justin: bye.

  I didn't bother to get dressed, I didn't care. I threw on my uggs and ran downstairs to have Veronica stop me. "Honey, where are you going?" She said through her tears due to her only son leaving. "Out". I felt bad for leaving so fast but I needed to get to Declan. I hoped into my car and drove to grand central. It wasn't very far from where we lived, it was walking distance but I needed to get there faster and I only have shorts and a shirt on.

struggled to find a parking space which I expected to happen because it always so busy here

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struggled to find a parking space which I expected to happen because it always so busy here. I succeededaly found a parking space close enough to the door after a good ten minutes of searching. I think my nerves are now officially shot. I run into the entrance looking for someone to ask where the South Carolina train is. "Hi, how may I help you today ma'am?" She asked sweetly. "Um.. do you know where the South Carolina train is?" I mean, of course she does, she works her, stupid me. She smiles and looks around for a second or two. "Ahh yes! Over there, lane 256" she says pointing to the left. I smile and run. I count each and every lane to find 256. "253, 254,255" my stomach started to turn once I noticed I'm here. I pushed my way through the crowd not caring about the rude comments people were throwing at me.

I stopped. I stopped once I saw his face, both of our eyes connected like we never disconnected. We stayed that way until I started to cry, fucking pregnancy hormones!

   "Lia? What are you..Justin. I told that dimwit not to tell you" he spat. Hurt, came over me. He really didn't want me here, he didn't want me to know. "Why? So you could just leave? You're not allowed to do that! You're not allowed to tell me you love me and just leave!" He gave me a blank stare "Lia.." He whispered. I went up to him and started hitting his chest making my words clear "you. Are. Not. Allowed. To. Do. That." I continued to hit until I just couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed a hold onto my wrist and looked me in the eye. "Tell me to stay, and I will" he said softly making my skin crawl. "I will not beg someone to stay when they don't feel the same way as I do, I realized it was never you. You aren't the reason why I didn't like you. I did like you, no I love you. I tried not to feel that way because of the way you hurt me and I didn't want to allow you to hurt me again and I" he cuts me off by grabbing my face and kisses me deeply, deeper than he has ever before. This kiss was different, it was filled with love, anger, and passion. Nothing could ever make this go away. I'm in love with Declan John Demarco. He separated the kiss and everything went black.

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