Getting Along..For Now.

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"Alright come on Lia" Declan comes barging into my room. "What? What did I do?" He walks over to me and grabs my hand "let's go, you've been here for a week and haven't left the house, expect for work. We're going out" I rather not spend my Friday afternoon with Declan. All week he has been trying to get me to sleep with him. "But I don't want to hang out with you. We're not friends" he let go of my hand and walked out "whatever Lia." I felt kinda bad, I really did but all he ever does is bring girls home at night and talk about sex. I don't want to get to know him. I appreciate him and Veronica for letting me and Keegan stay here but that doesn't mean I need to be his friend. What really is there to talk about? What girls he did or didn't fuck? Not my cup of tea. After 20 minutes I continued to feel bad for being a dick so I got up and got dressed, keeping in mind that it's getting colder and colder everyday. I wore a weather appropriate outfit

I left my room and walked to his door "Declan, we can go" I heard footsteps stop "Declan I know you're in there

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I left my room and walked to his door "Declan, we can go" I heard footsteps stop "Declan I know you're in there. You can't hide" he then opened his door "oh you want to acknowledge me now? So sweet of you Lia" I rolled my eyes "shut up, let's go" I grabbed the hem of his shirt and dragged him to my car. "Lia, you can't force me to go with you, we're not friends, remember?" I roll my eyes and lock the door so he can't get out "you're an asshole. So be quiet and enjoy yourself" he turned on the radio and started signing confident by Demi Lovato to me. I couldn't stop laughing at him, he's so annoying. "Declan we're here" i said between laughs.

We have been just talking about everything. We apparently went to the same school, and clearly that's why I thought he looked so familiar. Our waiter came over with our pizza. He whispered to me "if you go out on a date with me your meal with be free" he winked and walked away "ew, are all boys here pigs?" Declan's eyes were darkened and cold "ya. Stay Away from them." I decided not to worry about it "ya, I'm not really looking to date. I have Keegan to focus on" he smiled and said "you're good with him, you know that? But don't forget about yourself. You have a life as well" he's right, I do but Keegan's my life. "Ya, but Keegan's my life." He shrugged it off. My phone was buzzing in my pocket, I looked at the blocked number debating if I should answer it. "excuse me, for just a second please" he nodded.

Me: hello?
George: hi honey, you coming home?
Me: who is this?
George: oh little lady, you didn't forget about me that fast, did you?
Me: what do you want?
George: your aunt wants you home, I think that's a good idea.
Me: fine.

I hung up, I'll go back but I won't allow Keegan to come. I can't put him in that position. "Are you okay?" He looked worried. I ran to the bathroom holding in the tears that were more than ready to fall. I just want to move back. I miss my parents. I miss being a virgin. I miss being a teenager. I miss everything. I heard the bathroom door swing open. "Lia, are you in here?" Fuck. I don't want him seeing me like this. I'll never hear the end of it. "Ya, I'm in the stall" he went through all the stalls to find me. When he reached mine he held his hand out for mine "come here" I shook my head and continued to cry. "Lia, let me help. I don't usually do this so please" I got up and went over to him. He grabbed my hip and pulled me in. "I'm only hugging you. I don't want to talk about it" I say, still crying "Let me take you out tonight to get whatever is going on right now off your mind, okay?" Fuck it. I need to get out "will your mom watch Keegan?" He hugged me tighter, and kissed my head "ya, come on let's go ready. I'll drive" I nodded my head and we left.

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