Mystery Date.

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Him: you're so beautiful, you know that?
Me: aww, you think so?
Him: let me take you on a date, Lia.
Me: okay, we can 😊.
Him: be ready at 7, where something fancy, bye beautiful.

I threw my phone somewhere and jumped off my bed. I looked at my clock high on the wall "5:56" fuck. This is my first date, and it feels good it'll be with him. Once we decided to start talking again we haven't stopped. He's so sweet, caring, and very, very handsome. I wouldn't say Im falling for him but I do see a future of me doing so. After I put on my dress

     I put my hair in a high pony and curled the ends

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     I put my hair in a high pony and curled the ends. It's now, 6:30 and I'm almost ready. My stomach started to turn do to the nerves going through my whole body. While I was putting on my shoes my hands started shaking a bit. I laughed to myself "you're so embarrassing Lia" I say. My door was knocked on "Lia, you ready?" He yelled out. Oh my god, oh my god. Am I ready? I don't think so. I start to panics before he asks again. "Yes, yes I'm ready. I apologize. Coming now!" I yell behind the door. I fix up my lipstick and head to the door. "Woah" he says with a blank face. A smile started to form on my red face. This boy does nothing but make me blush, I love it "come on silly, you ready?" I say grabbing his black tie. He took my hand into his and led me to the front door.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" There he goes again. Fuck, he always has me smiling. I never want to let go of this feeling. "Yes, yes you did" I say to him. The waiter took our order and left. "You know, when I saw you at that party a couple weeks ago, I knew I wanted to be with you, Lia" he said. I had no words for him. This is all I've wanted for the past couple weeks. "Then be with me" he got up from his chair and put out his hand for mine, I accepted and got up "dance with me?" I nodded my head and placed my head on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around me and we started to sway to the music playing in the background.

      "Thank you for today. It was the best" I said honestly. He placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up. "Can i kiss you?" My mind didn't give me a chance to think because I admittedly kissed him. Our lips moved in sync. He pulled me in closer not separating our lips. He moves his hand from my hips to my face. I departed my lips from his. "I'm sorry, it's not you. We just need to go" he put his forehead on mine and laughed. "Let's go, beautiful".

   All I want to do is relive tonight over and over again. The way that kissed made me feel was spectacular. I didn't think someone could impacted my life like this. I never thought I would allow someone in my life to even try to impact my life. I thought it would just be me and Keegan. I know, I'm probably thinking this too far but I feel like I'm a little girl opening her first gift on Christmas. I never want this feeling to disappear.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. I groan "this is ridiculous, I don't even remember setting alarm" I put the pillow over my head and scream. I'm guessing Keegan heard because her ran in "Lia, are you okay!" He asked. I bursted into laughter which caused him to give me a look "what's funny?" He relied sarcastically. "Come here" be put his toy down and jumped into bed. "Movie day?" He cuddled up to me and agreed.

After the 5th movie, I pulled myself out from under him and walked downstairs. Everyone's light was off so either everyone was gone or sleeping. "We missed you at dinner last night" Declan said. I smiled at the thought that was non-stopped running in my hectic head. "Ya, sorry. I had a date" he picked up his coffee cup and started walking away from me. "Wait, Declan" he stopped in his tracks. Without looking back he said "ya, Lia?" I looked down at my slippers "where you going to kiss me at that party?" He simply says no and leaves the room. My heart sank, I can't explain the feelings that I feel right now. Everything was going so well until now. Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel so cold? Did I want him to kiss me? No, that can't it. I hate him for what he did to me. I can't bare the thought of liking Declan.  Even if I did like Declan, I'm not even his type. He'll cheat and never want to commit.

He's a waste of time.

S/n: this chapter was a lil hard😭 I was trying so hard to not say Johnny's name, so I apologize for the crappy chapter. Comment who you thought it was! And thank you for 1K reads 😭 it means the world to me!
Check out my other story's ❤️️

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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