Never Forgotten.

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"So little lady, how is everything?" George says with the same slurred, alcohol stench voice I remember from that night. "it has been just fine" I said dryly. I didn't want him to think that I was over with what happened. I never forget, I may not act like I don't remember or maybe I act like it didn't affect me or I'm over it but I'm not. I live in fear everyday, I hate being touched, I hate being close to someone, I'm scared of people who give me strange looks. I never used to be that way, I was so open and accepting but now I feel like I judge everything and everyone because I'm so afraid of who will hurt me "Lia?" I heard my name being called "ya, sorry what?" I stumble over my words. "Why don't you go help George get the baby pictures form downstairs" my lungs closed and everything started spinning "but we're in the middle of eating Lilly" she shrugged me off "who cares! Go get the pictures and we can eat while we look through them, we'll wait". I started to panic, I don't want to be alone with him. What if it happens again? What if he hurts me? I shook it off and got up to follow him.

We were both walking down the stairs, him in front of me leading the way. "I've missed you" I tensed up and ignored him, hoping he'll get the point that I don't want to speak to him. He stopped both of us when we hit the bottom of the stairs pushing me up against the wall "I said I fucking missed you Lia" I began to cry "you don't even know me you, nasty pig!" I spat loudly in his face. "If I didn't know you, then how would I know what makes you feel good little lady?" He says unbuckling my jeans. "Please stop" I whispered. I try to get push him away but he wasn't as drunk as he was back then. He had more grip and I couldn't escape. "Let me feel you Lia" I began to cry harder, pleading him to stop. He reached his cold hands down my pants to find my joy spot. It doesn't even feel good. I couldn't control my tears. He pushes me to the ground and pulls my pants off "if you don't shut up, I will kill you" he threatened. I shut my mouth the rest of the time. He put his friend into me making me grasp for air. It still hurts, I thought it wouldn't hurt again but it hurts more. I can't take this anymore, I know it only happened twice but it still matters, this shouldn't be happening, not to me or anyone out there. He continued to go faster until I heard my name being called. I tried my hardest to yell but nothing came out.


Lia's aunt and I have been talking about Lia's younger days and how much of a pain she was but I had to correct her aunt and tell her she still is. She stopped her laughter "They're taking too long and I'm hungry, can you be a dear and go check on them?" She asked me politely. I said yes and found my way to the stairs. "Lia?" I yelled down. No response, great. Maybe she's dead, once less problem for me. I called out her name again but still no answer. "God dam.. Lia! Oh my god!" I shouted. I ran over to George and pulled him off of her, I punched him right in the jaw. "Oof" he grunted out. I picked Lia up, bridal style and ran upstairs. "Oh my god! What happened?" He aunt yelled. "George rapped her, call the cops!" I demanded. She shook her head "no, no. It won't happen again. She'll be fine! Take her home" she says. Lia's eyes start to flutter open..


  I hear but can't believe the argument that's takin place between Declan and Lilly. I try to push myself to become conscious "he, he did it once before" I coughed out. "I'm taking you to the hospital" I didn't care where he took me, I just don't want to be here, ever again. "I don't care, just go. I won't say who did this" we all agreed and we left.

  "I'm okay, Declan" I said randomly. I know he's worrying about me. He has been glancing over at me and touching my thigh from time to time. He apologizes "is this why you left?" I guess it's time to explain everything since he just saved me and we're sitting here in a hospital bed. "Ya, my parents died two years ago so I adopted Keegan, and I didn't want him to leave in the middle of school so we stayed in California and then ended up here with Lilly and then she continued to get drunk every night and one night I came home from work, and well I think you know the rest" he grabbed my hand "I'm so sorry Lia. I shouldn't have bullied you and just, I'm sorry" I gave him a smile "I know you're sorry and I forgive you, I really do" he stood up and kissed my head.


Declan hasn't left my side since I've gotten here. Both his mom and Keegan have been up here and begged him to go home but he refused. "Lia, pick a show please" he begged in aggravation. "You know, you're so damn needy" I said beginning to laugh. He always makes me laugh at the hard times, I really like this and I hope we last without fighting. I shut off the tv "Hey! Why'd you do that?" He shouted. I turned my body around facing towards him "go home Declan." He got up and motioned me to move over and laid by my side. "No you're stuck with me, forever." I heard his snores start. I turned the tv back on to cancel out the noise. I clicked through the channels but nothing was on. I left Jerry Springer on and went on my phone to see all the missed calls and texts I've gotten. 10 from Justin, 35 from Johnny, 3 from Veronica, and 100 from Sofia. I laughed at Sofia's texts, I decided to text Sofia.

Lia: hey Sofia
Sofia: Lia! Are you okay!? I tried to visit yesterday when Declan told me but they said family only/:
Lia: I'll make sure you and justin are on the list. You're both family❤️️
Sofia: ily!!!❤️️❤️️❤️️, I think Declan likes you
Lia: I think so too, but he says no
Sofia: you've asked him!?!?!??!?😵
Lia: not exactly. He told me he liked me when he was drunk and I mentioned it to him and he said he didn't mean it.
Sofia: drunk words never lie, Lia bear.

I decided not to reply because I started getting tired. I turned off the tv and cuddled up to Declan. "Goodnight Declan" I say softly, after kissing his cheek.

Check out my other story's ❤️️

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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