His Bestfriend and mistakes.

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    Justin and I were sitting at the table in the hospital cafeteria. I don't think we've ever been together alone, to be honest? It's not bad. He's a true gentleman "Lia?" He questioned me. I gave him a big smile "yes?" He grabbed my hand making me flinch "are you okay? I'm worried about you and so is my sister, you know how she gets" we both started laughing hysterically, I stopped in mid laugh and cleared my throat "yes, I'm okay Justin" he gets up and takes me hand then twines his fingers with mine. They were so strong and cold. "I want to show you something, okay? And since you can leave today for a bit I want to be the person to take you out" I felt so much joy about leaving here for a couple hours, I didn't care who's taking me or where I was going, I just need to get out of here before I get stir crazy. "I'll go get dressed before we go" he lets go of my hand "okay, meet me at the car" I ran to the red elevators to go to my room. I was now allowed to change into my regular clothes. The doctors say I can go home possibly tomorrow, I'm hoping. I got dressed

put on my shoes and left my room in such a hurry I forgot my phone but I didn't bother running back for it, I need a break

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put on my shoes and left my room in such a hurry I forgot my phone but I didn't bother running back for it, I need a break.

Justin and I are walking up a big hill, in silence. I have no idea where he's taking me. All I can see is the blue sky, the breeze is hitting my back leaving chills all over my body. It may not be winter anymore but it's still cold. He has a basket with him which I'm assuming is filled with food and let me tell you, I am so tired of hospital food. "We're here" he spoke finally. I turned around to see the whole city right in front of me. "Woah Justin" he set up a blanket on the ground placing the food down. I continued to look at the view but the food was calling my name almost literally so I had to stop falling in love. "You like it Lia?" My mouth was full of a turkey sandwich, I held out my finger telling him to wait. "Like it? No. I absolutely love it, I never want to leave here Justin! How'd you find this place?" He got up and pointed to what looks like a basketball court. "I used to play down there when I was 12. One day I threw the ball in the basket but my eyes caught a hill. I focused back on the game once everyone started cheering. I realized I made the basket and ever since then I thought it was my lucky charm. So that night I snuck out since I lived down the street from that court and I found my way to the hill and here I am. I fell in love with the view once I came here." He sat back down after telling his story and started eating "this is beautiful" he out his food down "like you?" He asked.


I knew what I was doing was wrong. She's my best friends crush but I can't stop thinking what it would be like if her and I became something. Declan doesn't have the balls to tell her and he never will. "Thank you, Justin" I moved closer to her. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. She hesitated to answer. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that, want to go?" She shook her head yes. I picked up the basket and blanket and we walked back to the car. I didn't she'd reject me, I thought I had a chance. I apologized once more but then the whole way back to the hospital was silent.


I don't know how to feel right now. That's my best friends brother. I told him I'd be fine walking back in by myself. I couldn't be around him any longer. I opened my door to see Declan pacing back and forth around my room talking to himself. "Where could she be? Who is she with? What the fuck! They can't even tell me because I'm not family!" I couldn't hold in my laugher anymore. I bursted out in tears "oh my god! I loved that." He ran over to me and hugged my tightly "you're alive! Thank baby Jesus!" I gave him a duh face "no shit I'm alive you dweeb! I was with Justin" he didn't say a word, not even a huff. "Oh why?" He finally chocked out "we were having a picnic until he you know" I said to him hoping he would catch my drift but I doubt it and he didn't like I thought "you know what? Lia what in the hell did he do." He spat out angrily. "Wow dude, chill out. He didn't do that if you thats what you're thinking. He just asked if he could kiss" he cut me off by just leaving, I mean stomping out of the room. I went to lay down. I sat on my bed and kicked off my shoes. I kicked up my feet and grabbed my phone. I had missed messages from Declan, of course. Veronica, Sofia, Justin, and Lillian, great. I haven't seen Keegan in awhile since he's not allowed in the hospital yet. I miss him so much. I held back the tears, moving to New York was probably the hardest thing I could've done. I thought it would help Keegan and I, I really did but it's turning into such a hassle. I want to move back.


    I woke up feeling to the sounds of beeping Machines and doctors talking loudly. "Oh honey you're awake." I stretched my arms and asked what's going on "you're getting your last check up" she smiled brightly, I jumped up "does that mean I can go home?" I asked excitedly. She nodded her head yes and looked over her papers. "You're all set to go. Good luck out there Lia. Declan will be right up with your things". I got up to put my UGGS on. I didn't even bother to change just yet. I saw Declan coming up the stairs. I picked up my 3 bags and ran to him. "Let's go! I have everything, just get me out of here, please" he laughed and took my bags "ya let's go baby girl".

I laid in my bed, almost falling asleep until Declan comes barging into my room. "Hey baby girl" I groan "hi Declan, what do you need at this moment of time where I was just about to fall asleep?" I ran over to my bed and jumped up "I want food, let's go get some, please?" I groaned once more "you're so annoying but food is so good but it's my last day by myself until Keegan comes home tomorrow can't we go tomorrow?" He shook his head and got up. He pulled my arms lifting me up. I rolled my eyes and told him to turn around. I've gotten pretty comfortable with him over the past couple weeks being in the hospital. "Can I please look? You're super hot, I know you secretly want me Lia" I threw my shoe at hims while I was putting on my leggings on

 "Can I please look? You're super hot, I know you secretly want me Lia" I threw my shoe at hims while I was putting on my leggings on

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"Ouch Lia, I was kidding! I laugh to myself "don't be such a perv then baby boy" I winked at him while walking out of the door. I felt long arms around my waist and his warm breath on my neck "don't tease me like that again baby girl." He slapped my ass before walking away, and once again Declan left me speechless. 

   We sat in the drive through waiting for our Taco Bell. I have been craving it since last week. I've been in the hospital for 3 weeks. We drove up to the window and got our food, the smell instantly hit my nose and I became nauseous. I threw the bag of food on Declan's lap and jumped out of the car, I ran to the bushes and started to puke. He pulled the car over in a parking place and ran over to me "are you okay?" I shook my head no and told him to take me to a corner store, now. We drove to the store and I told him to wait there. I didn't want him knowing what I needed.

I sat in the bathroom holding the pregnancy test. I couldn't be, I've been at a hospital for weeks. They would've told me, right? My timer went off and I took a second to breathe before I looked at the stick. I kept telling myself this isn't real over and over again but I couldn't fool myself or anyone. I got enough courage to look. My stomach sank when I read the stick.

Oh my god, is all I could say.

Don't hate me! I know I left you on a cliffhanger. Leave in the comments if she thinks she's pregnant or not, loved to hear your thoughts! I also made this chapter a little longer than usual since I have uploaded much, thank you guys for sticking with me on this ❤️️ all 10K+ of you 😘  xoxo- Aryanna!

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