Roomate Of Devotion.

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  "Babe, stop!" I shouted away from Johnny. He is throwing snow balls with me and Keegan. They get along so well. "Never!" He said throwing his last snow ball. He realized he ran out of snowballs after throwing the last one at me. "Should've paid attention!" I said to him collecting more snow balls. Keegan was running around in the snow looking for a shield. "Keegan, over there" I said pointing to a try. He's not on my team but I don't want to see him killed. "Sissy heads up!" I went to find his voice but bam, Got hit right in the cheek. "Sorry!" I wasn't even mad. I couldn't control my laughter. Johnny came over to me and reached his hand out for mine. "Let's go eat guys." I got up and grabbed Keegan. "Where do you want to go bud?" Johnny says to Keegan. "Somewhere with burgers please" he sang. "We can go to Burger Palace" I suggested to the boys. I swear both of their mouths touched the ground in excitement. "Okay, guess that's where we're going there. Keegan buckle up please."

   I looked out the window and watched all the snow covered trees pass by. I love this time of year, it feels better that we'll be with family this year though. I enjoyed having just Keegan and I for Christmas but it's a family holiday so something was always missing. I wonder if my parents are proud of the choices I've made for my self and Keegan. I just don't want to let them down. We may of never been close but they were still my parents. "Babe, were here, come on" Johnny tapped my shoulder. We let Keegan go in first. Johnny asked me what was wrong "oh no, I'm okay Johnny. Just hungry" I lied. He kissed my head "come on beautiful" he grabbed my hand. We all sat down and ordered "and you miss?" The waiter smiled at me "um, I'll have the baconator deluxe please." She wrote it down and went on her way. "Keegan, make sure you thank Johnny" before Keegan could speak, Johnny spoke "you don't ever have to thank me, just enjoy" I took his hand and started eating my food.

  "Well, I feel fat" I say out loud. I lifted up my shirt and rubbed my stomach "Lia, can you not? We're in public" Johnny demanded. Woah there buddy, Chill out. We are literally at a burger joint with big sloppy men with their stomachs out, everywhere you look "Yes sir" I joked around. He didn't look amused. I gave him a smile and kept quiet for the rest of the time.

"Did you have fun?" Declan asked. He is always around, he never goes away. I get it's his house but fuck, go fuck a girl or something. "You're here, again?" I spat. He threw his hands in surrender "I live here dude" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and started to leave the room "Lia, why can't we just get along?" I let out a sigh "Declan, we just can't." He walked up closer to me but leaving space in between us. "But we were getting along until you remembered who I was. You obviously know I'm not that person anymore" I shook my head not knowing how to react or to even say "Declan" he stopped me "no, Lia, please" he said putting his hand on my waist. "Fine" I groaned. He looked up "did you just groan at me?" He looked serious "uh ya?" I questioned. I backed away because he kept stepping closer. I started to run away but he wrapped his arms around me and started tickling me "do not ever groan at the wonderful Declan Demarco" I couldn't stopping laughing at his lameness. "You're ridiculous" I said in between laughs. I pushed myself away from him and ran outside hoping it'll be too cold for princess Declan. I laughed at my nickname for him. "Catch me if you can" I loudly sang. I heard his footsteps follow me. I reached the back door and jumped onto the snowy grass. "Lia, get back here!" He yelled. I continue to run and laugh. I turn around and we smacked into each other. I fell onto of him and let me tell you, this, this right here was the most awkward thing that ever happened to me. "um I'm sorry, I should've looked where I was going" I started to get off of him, he pulled me back "it's okay Lia, stay?" He asked. Does he not realize that we're in snow, and it's cold? ugh. "Okay" I said softly. He smiled and I moved closer to him to keep warm. "The stars are beautiful" he pointed out, I nodded in agreement. "Know what else is beautiful?" He asked "hmm?" He was just about to answer until his mom yelled from the door "guys, what are you doing? It's cold and Lia" she hesitated "Johnny is on the phone" showing me the phone in her hand. I heard Declan huff as if he was mad. "Coming" he shouted. Veronica nodded and walked back into the house. I got up and started walking away before I stopped to ask him "what else is beautiful, Declan?" He looked up from wiping the snow off his bum "oh, I forgot, sorry. You should go in and talk to your boyfriend" he growled. "Declan, stop" I called out hoping he would stop and talk to me. What is his problem? One minute he wants to be my friend, one minute he wants me to cuddle and the next? He's pissed at me. I just can't do it anymore.

Johnny: I miss you
Lia: and i miss you. Why were you so uptight earlier?
Johnny: I wasn't babe. You just had your stomach out in a restaurant.
Lia: so? I was having fun. Do you know how to have fun?
Johnny: we have lots of fun together Lia.
Lia: Johnny, no we don't. All we ever do is talk about Demarco's or what I'm going to do with my life. I don't know Johnny. This is my life, I'm sorry I can't be a successful waiter like you *I said sarcastically*
Johnny: you're just tired babe. Go to sleep.
Lia: don't shut out my feelings, Johnny. But fuck it. Goodnight.
Johnny: goodnight beautiful.

God he's a dickhead. Maybe I shouldn't of put my stomach out but just have some fun. The thoughts about Johnny stopped and went to Declan. I wonder what he was going to say to me before his mom came out. I kept wondering until I fell asleep.


I threw on my clothes for the day

I don't have much planned today so I just dressed casual but semi nice just in case anything comes up

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I don't have much planned today so I just dressed casual but semi nice just in case anything comes up. My back pocket started to buzz. I grabbed my phone and saw the contact; Sofia.

Sofia: hey girl😏
Lia: haha hey!
Sofia: wanna hang out with Justin, Declan, and I today?
Lia: sure!
Sofia: come outside then 😬

There was no reason to reply back since she's right down stairs. Why couldn't they've just came upstairs and asked me. I put on my sneakers, grabbed my phone and purse then ran downstairs. I said bye to Veronica and walked out the door "took you long enough" Justin said. I glared at him "shut it Justin" justin and Sofia started laughing but Declan didn't even acknowledge me. Sofia noticed the tension between us "alrighty folks, let's go play some games at Fun Land!" She said childishly. Justin and Sofia got in the front seats leaving the back to Declan and I.

Totally not awkward or anything.

Lia: thanks for leaving me with mister grumpy!
Sofia: sorry!!! What's his issue anyways?
Lia: you tell me! After we cuddled a little yesterday he got all pissy because Johnny called
Sofia: woah, cuddling!?!? Lia!!!
Lia: not like that! We're friends sof, that's all.

She didn't reply since we were at this Fun Land place, I've never been here before but they talked about it the whole way here. Declan actually said a word during the conversation, just not to me. I tried to be apart of it by commenting on what he said but he just acted like he didn't hear me. "hey" justin said "hey, Justin" I said back to him. "He's not mad at you Lia" he says. I stop him "then why isn't he speaking to me?" He huffs in aggravation. He was about to answer until Sofia came back "guys come on!" Ugh, nobody ever finishes what they were saying! I look at him and he just shrugs at me and mouths I'm sorry. After awhile we all played games and had dinner. We're now sitting in the car about to go to a party. This should be fun.

"Lia, you're so beautiful" Declan slurred. "Declan you're drunk." He laughed and rolled over on me in my bed. "No, no. I think you're the most beautiful girl ever." I blushed at his words "Lia I like you, a lot" my heart stopped, I didn't know what to say. "No you don't Declan, go to sleep" he curled up closer to me and started snoring. I sat up until 2 am wondering if he really meant what he said to me. I don't feel the same, I could never like Declan.

Check out my other story's ❤️️

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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