Christmas Time In The City.

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Ahh, Christmas Day! The snow is falling so beautifully, the house smells exactly like pine cones and sugar cookies, I really don't have any idea what could possibly be better than this. "Lia come down please!" Veronica called up. I told her I was coming and then I started getting dressed for tonight's dinner

Declan told me that all his family members are coming tonight and I'm kind of nervous as all hell

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Declan told me that all his family members are coming tonight and I'm kind of nervous as all hell. I don't think he remembers telling me he likes me but we talk now so I don't know if I want to bring it up to him. "Lia are you..woah" Declan says amazed. "What? Do I look bad? Declan I'm nervous!" He smirked at me "no Lia, you look absolutely stunning" he says honestly. I sighed in relief "oh thank god, but yes I'm ready I'm guessing that's what you were going to ask" he just nods and walks away. Weird, but okay.

We're all sitting by the tree opening presents. Keegan looks so happy right now. I love seeing him like this. "Lia your turn!" Declan's aunt Linda says. His family is all very nice, I really enjoyed their company so far. "Guys, you really didn't have to get me anything" I exclaimed. They all shushed me and told me to continue. After opening all my gifts I thanked everyone. Declan came over to me and sat besides me. Everyone was in the kitchen now hanging out or cooking. All the kids were upstairs in Keegan's room playing games, so it left Declan and I alone. "Here you go Lia" he said handing over a small box with a red ribbon on it. I said thank you. I opened to see a silver locket engraved with the letter "L" on it. "This is beautiful Declan" he smiles "open it up though". I did what was told and I almost, no scratch that, I did tear up. It was a picture of me and Keegan hugging each other. "I didn't even know you took a picture let alone put it in a locket!" He took it out of my hands and told me to turn around. "I didn't know what to get you since we were fighting, so I knew this would make you happy" I turned around after he put it on for me and said "you're the best" I gave him a hug. He held on until I told him I have his present. "here ya go" I smiled. He took the envelope out of my hand and thanked me. He opened it slowly trying not to rip the present inside. His face lit up when he saw what was inside. "You got me Fun Land tickets with a bucket of 50 wings coupon?" He shouted with happiness. I bursted out laughing because of the face he made. "Lia thank you so much. But why is there two?" I turned red in embarrassment hoping he'd get the point that it's for us to go "it's for us to go together. I thought it would give us time to rekindle our friendship" he smirked "are you, Lia Marie asking me on a date?" I hit his chest "no, you freak! You're the one who likes me!" Fuck fuck fuck no! I didn't mean to say that out loud. "what do you mean?" He asked in confusion. I'm going to try to avoid this as much as I can "nothing, never mind." I got up and walked away. I heard him call my name in the background but I needed to get away.

   "Need any help guys?" I asked The Who ever was in the kitchen. "You can call everyone in for dinner" I nodded and shouted to everyone. I smiled at the sound of everyone's foot steps running in. I haven't heard those sounds in years. "Lia, sit next to me?" Declan asked. Shit. "Ya, okay". We all got seated and started passing the food. Everyone had their own little conversations going, smiling and laughing. I tried to keep eating so I wouldn't have to talk to Declan. I really don't know why I'm making such a big deal out of this, he's the one who said it. "Lia, what did you mean in there?" He asked, again. "Declan, not here. Im eating." He laughed "fat ass" we both started laughing loudly making everyone turn their heads on us "what's so funny?" His aunt Carla asked Declan and I looked at each other and tried to hold in the laughter but we failed. "Nothing auntie Carla. We're all good" he said to his aunt. After eating and cleaning up everything everyone went into the living room to watch Christmas movies, except me. I ran upstairs to call aunt Lilly.

Lilly: hello
Lia: hi aunt Lilly
Lilly: what do you want?
Lia: just to say merry Christmas aunt Lilly.
Lilly: ya, ya merry Christmas.
Lia: I want to have dinner with you next week if George isn't around.
Lilly: George is still around Lia, how about to come over anyways and sleep over
Lia: ya, sure. Keegan is sick so I'm keeping him home.
Lilly: sounds good. Call me more often.
Lia: i will. Hey, I got to go so I love you and I'll see you soon.
Lilly: bye.

  I texted Veronica that I needed space and I'll be down later to say goodbye. I got out of my dress and put on some pajamas. I laid in bed scrolling through channels, nothing was on so I left it at Spongebob, I can't stand him though. I was drifting off until my door was being knocked on "come in". Declan walked in and sat down on my bed. "Lia, for the third and last time, what did you mean" I sat up on my bed. I asked him to hand me the sweater hanging from my chair. I put it in and huffed. "Listen, the night of the party a week or two ago, you were laying in my room, drunk as hell and you said I was beautiful and you liked me" he gave me a blank stare then started laughing "what's funny?" After a minute or so he pulled himself together and said "Lia, I was drunk. I don't like you." Ouch. "oh" I said cold heartedly. "Do you like me?" He asked seriously. "No, I do not. Why would I like someone like you?" Okay, okay that was really harsh, I know. Don't start with the lectures now "Lia, get off your high horse, and stop acting like such a bitch all the time." Never mind, I take back the feelings of regret because he just topped off what I said to him "leave, now" he got up and I think he felt bad afterwards "no, Lia I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, please." my eyes started to tear up "Declan, get out of my room. Now" I screamed hoping no one downstairs heard me. He walked out and slammed my door. I cried hard, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell him what he had said, I knew it would ruin everything. I continued to cry until I fell asleep.

and once again, I hate Declan Demarco.

Gah! Two chapters in one day!!!

Check out my other story's ❤️️

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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