I Think Ill Be Okay Without You.

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   I wake up to see Declan still holding me. I reply the 3 words he shared with me last night "I love you" how could he say that to me? After everything he has ever done to me! He doesn't feel this way, he never has and he never will. I will never allow him to hurt me. "Declan, get up." I shouted. He jumped "is everything okay? The baby? You?" He said sporadically. I wanted to laugh but there's no time for laughter right now. "We're fine, I just think you should leave." He turned to face my body that's still laying down. "What do you mean? It's my house?" He said truthfully. "I meant my room, just get away from me. Please" I whispered the last part. He got up and slammed the door. I covered myself with my blanket and started crying. I haven't heard those words in so long for someone other than my brother. Declan has made me feel so alive in these last couple months. What am I doing to myself? Soon after I stopped crying my door swung open and I jumped at the sight of Declan and his rage. "You know what Lia? I'm so done fighting for you. Why can't you just see that I'm in love with you! I took responsibility for this baby, you, and Keegan! I allowed you into my home because I cared for you and I loved you but you can't just let your walls down and see that!" His words hurt. Did he just do all this to make me see his love for me? I feel like I was used in a way. "Nobody asked you to take responsibility, Declan!" I yelled. He laughed, not a funny laugh but a "I'm pissed" laugh. Before he could start talking I got out of bed and walked to him "I don't need you. I handled Keegan on my own just fine, thank you very much! So fuck you Declan!" Hurt flashed before his eyes. I could see his dark brown eyes turn almost black. The eyes that have such a effect on me. "Lia, you're unbelievable. I really don't know why I stopped doing what I did for you because you're just an ungrateful" he was cut off "both of you stop it!" Veronica came in yelling. "Declan, that is no way to talk to a women. Apologize now! And you, Lia. He loves you, open your eyes." And with that she left. I looked at Declan and opened my mouth to speak but he shook his head signaling not to talk to him. "I'm leaving, goodbye."

   It's been 6 long hours without Declan annoying me. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I miss him. *buzz* I looked at my phone and saw a message from Justin.

Justin: he's a my house. Give him space.

I was just about to grab my stuff until the next message appeared on my screen.

Justin: he doesn't want to see you, don't come. I'm sorry.

My whole body lost its weight. I fell to the ground and placed my head in between my knees. How could he just leave? I didn't think he'd leave ya know? But he's gone. I really don't know how I will be without him. I can't possibly love him the way he loves me, I just can't but I do know there's something there. Half of me wants me to be with him but half of me doesn't want me to get involved but he has gave me a life that's worth living.

Sofia has called me nonstop to make sure I'm okay and I keep telling her that I think I'll be okay with him hoping she'd believe me and maybe one day, I'll believe myself.

I think I'll be okay with you.

   I haven't left my room for one thing. Thankfully there's a bathroom in my room so I can still handle some business. Keegan has been in and out with food and drinks for me. He hasn't left my side other than to get food, of course. He has been playing with his Legos. He asked once where uncle Declan was but I hadn't had a answer to give him. I could hear soft cries come out of Veronica's room, and I wonder why this is beating her up so much. I called justin. I gave up, I needed to know.

Justin: Lia
Lia: just tell me what's going on, please Justin.
Justin: you know I can't. He'll be done here any second.
Lia: fucking tell me Justin!
Justin: okay, okay. He's leaving tomorrow, to South Carolina. He took the Job he was offered there.

  I disconnected the phone. I couldn't hear much more. I sat on the bed staring out the window. I tell Keegan to go to bed since it's 11 pm now. Almost 12 hours without Declan, A whole day. I used to beg and pray for days without him. I laugh to myself with the memory in my head of the thanksgiving party when I thought he was some older guy, gosh that was awkward. Why did I even want a hot older guy? Ew! I sit there laughing hysterically until I started bawling my eyes out. "Fuck" I whispered through my tears. This was never supposed to happened.

I was never supposed to watch him leave.


Guys 😩 this is the second to last chapter! 💔 I can't believe it's almost over.

Qoftc: how would feel if I wrote another book? Nothing to do with this one but just another one?

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Xoxo 💋- Aryanna.

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