Friend Of My Childhood.

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   I wake up every morning in fear of going to school. Declan John, is the worst person ever. Yesterday, not only did he push me in the lockers he also dumped my lunch on me. I've begged my parents to let me stay home but they refuse to let me skip. They don't know what goes on with Declan at school. They don't even know who he is. I'm scared of what they'll do if they found out. I don't have many friends because once day I was walking to class with my friend Kelsey and because she was with me she got locked in lockers. So I started to shut everyone out so no one would deal with what I did. I'm not the prettiest girl, I'm skinny, I have long blonde hair, and blue eyes, I have straight A's, on high honor roll, and I don't play any sports, nothing is very spectacular about me. "Lia Marie time to go!" My mom screams from the downstairs. I groan to myself. I threw my hair in a high ponytail and put on mascara. After my appearance was all done I went to go get dressed.

  It was the middle of December, but sadly here in California there's not much snow

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  It was the middle of December, but sadly here in California there's not much snow. In all of my 17 years of life I have never seen snow. "Lia, I'm not going to tell you again. Let's go! We're going to be late!" She shouts again. "Okay mom! I'm coming right now" I yell back to her. I put on my boots and grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs.

I start to walk down the long school halls all by myself with my lunch in my hands and my book bag on my one shoulder. I slid down the cold lockers and started eating my turkey sandwich. After I finished I took out my homework from my bag and started working on some problems. "Hey nerd" I hear a boy speak. I look up to see Declan and his friends, I decide to ignore them and continue my homework. One of them threw a pencil at my head "ouch! What the hell was that for?" They all started laughing. Declan came up from behind them and bent down to my level "hmm, if you didn't ignore us big lips, you wouldn't of had a pencil thrown at you" his popped my nose. "Go away Declan. Just leave me alone. For once, go pick on someone else" I tried to stick up for myself. He grabbed my arm and pulled my off the ground "what did you just say to me Lia?" He said pushing me back into the lockers. I hesitated to answer "I said go pick on someone else" he came closer to me. Our foreheads nearly touching "and why would I do that baby girl?" He grinned at me. I pushed him off of me with all the strength I had in my small body "fuck you Declan" I went to run away but his friends beat me in front of me to stop me "now, now where do you think you're going missy?" My face started turning bright red and my eyes started to form tears. I was starting to get scared, I shouldn't of stuck up for myself. I should've allowed them to put me in the lockers and dealt with it like I normally do. "Awe is she going to cry?" The biggest one out of the group pushed me to the ground "you belong on the floor bitch" what happened next surprised me. Declan stepped in "alright, alright. Stop, don't pushing." The guy that pushed me, shoved Declan out of the way "no, I'm tired of always being careful with her. She's so annoying walking around in this school like she's smarter than everyone." He came over to me and pulled me up "get up slut" I do what I was told. I started crying a little bit more than I was before. The guy put his knuckles to my face, instantly I tasted blood. He was just about to punch me again until Declan pushed me out of the way making me fall to the ground and the next thing I know?

Everything is black.

All I can remember is being in someone's arms. My body hitting a cold surface under me, I didn't know where I was or whom I was with. All I hear is a man and a women whispering to my left. It sounds like my father. I try my hardest to open my eyes. The pain of my head took over and made me groan "oh sweetheart, you're awake!" He shouted "oh god, dad please don't shout. My head is spinning" he laughed a little "it's going to be okay darling, but someone is here to talk to you. I'll leave you two alone" I didn't see anymore until my dad left and someone walked in. "Lia, I am so sorry" I knew that voice very well "Declan go away" I spat trying not to let him see me cry again. "No, I tried to stop him. I need you to know that" he said apologetically. "Go away! And stay away from me!" I shouted. My dad barged into the room "Lia, are you okay?" He said "no, get him out of here!" I started crying hard.

It has been 2 months since that incident happened and Declan has tried everyday to make it up to me and I don't want anything to do with him. I want to forget him. I want nothing to do with Declan. I understand he tried to help me that day, but he has been doing this since freshman year, and I am now a senior. 4 miserable years of him and to think I had a crush on him in middle school. I have no idea what was going on in my head. I really don't know what made him hate me so much, I never spoke to him but neither has he.

He's dead to me.

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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