What Are You Baby?

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  It's been a month and half since we found Keegan. He's been having hard times in school since then, I'm starting to worry about his behavior but yesterday I had a appointment for the baby to find out what the gender was. Both Declan and I were bummed out when we found out he couldn't join me. He had to go to South Carolina for a shadowing program. He hasn't told them that he isn't taking the job but he needed to see the place before he makes his decision clearly and he needed to get away He comes home tonight and I want to surprise him with a gender reveal party. Sofia and I both planned a small get together for him and I. Nobody knows that it's not his child and we tend to keep it that way. We want our child to grow up knowing that no matter who the birth father is, Declan will always be their daddy. I don't feel anything towards Declan but he has definitely opened my eyes to see he has changed. Veronica has been more than happy for our decisions with the baby. Keegan, isn't taking it very well anymore only because he thinks I'm going to stop loving him.

Sofia: ready for tonight!?
Lia: yes! I'm so excited to see his face😊
Sofia: me too! You've changed him so much.
Lia: I haven't done anything. Don't get all mushy with me! Just get here! It's 8am you were supposed to be here by 7!!!

  I put my phone back on the bed and started getting dressed.

I didn't bother dressing up because I'm so fat

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I didn't bother dressing up because I'm so fat. I reached  7 months last week. Usually you find out the sex of the baby a lot sooner but mine just didn't want to be seen. I can't wait till Declan finds out! "Lia" I heard someone singing my name loudly. Of course it was Sofia. She is absolutely amazing, I really couldn't ask for a better best friend. Declan and Justin are trying to work out their friendship but it doesn't look too good but I had to invite him, it was only right. "Lia, justin is here with everything! We're going to start setting up. You just get the food ready" I rolled my eyes at her "I'm pregnant not paralyzed" she laughed and ran away with streamers in her hands. I soon followed her after putting my shoes on.

  After 6 hours, the party is finished. Everyone was arriving as I was leaving, I have to pick Declan up from the airport in about 15 minutes and I'm running a little late. I told him the baby wasn't seen again so I still don't know what the sex is. I wanted to tell him that the doctor said we can't find out until the bay is born, but I felt that was too extreme. He's already bummed enough about not being there. I arrived at the airport, I walked up to the door waiting for him to come down the stairs. Of course I had write his name on a board, I wrote "my daddy" with an error pointing to the baby. I saw him and jumped up and down   He ran over to me and gave me a big hug "hey baby girl, missed me?" He said with a smirk on my face. "Looks like you missed me more with that hug we just did" I joked. He laughed and started to walk away with me on his side. "Like the board?" I asked. He looked down at the board and smiled "of course I do. I just wish I could know what my child is" I wrapped my arms around his and said "we'll find out soon, but in the mean time, I have a surprise for you at home!" We got in the car and I drove away. "What's the surprise baby girl? You being naked?" He smirked. I smacked his chest with my free hand "gosh, you never change" I say laughing. "I changed for you Lia" it became quiet for the rest of the trip home.

    We got home and I told him to wait there. I ran in the house to find Sofia. "Okay, he's here is everyone in the back getting ready to hide?" She rolled her eyes "Lia, I got your text, everyone is ready" I laughed and walked back to Declan. "Ready?" He shrugged his shoulders "ya" I told him to close his eyes and follow me. I brought him to the back yard where everyone screamed "surprise!" He opened his eyes to see all of our friends and his family. "What is this babe?" I smiled and grabbed his hands "I know the gender of the baby" he gave me a confused look "what do you mean? You said that the baby couldn't be seen" I kissed his cheek "I lied, I saw it." He hugged me softly so he didn't hurt the baby. "What is it Lia?" I let go of him and walked away. "Lia, wait" I ignored him and went to the table. He came and sat down with me after speaking to his mom and others. "Lia" I put my hand on his thigh "Declan, you'll find out soon, relax." He nods and continues to talk to his mom. I wish my mom could be here to sit next to me and hold my hand but I have Declan and Keegan, and now this bundle of joy. "Hey Lia" Sofia kept calling me to eat my attention. "Yes? Sorry, I was thinking" I said. "Ready to tell everyone?" She said I shook my head with excitement in my face. I tapped Declan's shoulder "stand up" I say. "Okay, welcome everyone. Thank you all for coming out here and joining Declan and I while we find out the sex of the baby. Sofia, go ahead" I covered Declan's eyes as Sofia counts down from 10 so she can open the box of balloons. I removed my hand when she reached 1, pink balloons started flying up everywhere from all four boxes. Declan's mouth but the floor but he didn't say anything. All he did was grab me and whisper "thank you for letting be the father" I gripped on him stronger "I don't want anyone else" he kissed my cheek and slid his hands off of me.

After a few hours of congratulating, thank you's, I love you's, and dinner people left. Justin, Sofia, and Alex said they'd be here tomorrow to help clean up. They left when everyone else did. Declan, Keegan, and I went upstairs in my room and quickly fell asleep after talking about mans watching tv. Before I fell asleep I was sitting there watching both of the boys cuddling with each other. I'm more than glad I didn't move back California, this is my home and this is where I need to be.

I've made my own little family in the span of a year and I can not be happier.

Two chapters in one day!? Surprise!

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