Holiday's With The Demarco's.

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After graduation, I never really thought I'd see Declan again. He has never made an effort to see that I exist until the last day he bullied me but I guess now I have the chance of asking him why he did such a thing it never occurred to me that it was him because he looked and acted so different. He was kind, caring, supportive, everything that teenage Declan wasn't. He hasn't left my mind since last week. I've done everything I could to ignore him. As much as I want to just speak to him, I can't. Every day he has been knocking on my door trying to get me to talk to him, thankfully I've caught a cold and I can pull off staying in my room all day, everyday with Keegan. I sit here in my cozy Christmas pajamas

 I sit here in my cozy Christmas pajamas

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with Gossip Girl on. I hear everyone playing downstairs and I wish I could go down there but I really don't want to be in any position to speak to Declan right now.


  I realized what I've done that night when I called her that name, I completely forgot I called her that in high school. I'm guessing she remembered exactly who I was. I should've told her who I was when I had the chance, maybe this would've smoothed out nicer than not speaking in a week. I try to forget everything that had happened that day, since it happened. I tried to apologize for what I did but she never forgave me or even gave me the chance but honestly, I don't blame her. I miss talking to her though, Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I really hope she joins us.

   I hear her door close and I excused myself from the family movie time. I ran upstairs to see her through the bathroom mirror. She's fixing her hair that's all messed up from being sick and hating me. She opens the bathroom door "hey Lia, remember me?" I smirked, hoping she'd laugh, I was wrong "ya, I remember you. You're a bulling asshole, how could I forget that?" She faked a smile and pushed me out of the way. I immediately grabbed her arm softly "Lia, please. You know I've apologized before what I did back than. I was young, and childish" I said honestly. She looked at me with her hurt eyes "Declan, it was two years ago." She's right, I'm acting as if it was more than ten years ago. "Lia, I can't change the past but I can change right now, so please, let me." She shook her head and pulled her arm out of my grasp "just go away. I'll see you tomorrow Declan" I just left, I really didn't know what else to say to her but knowing she'll be joining us tomorrow makes me feel a little better.


I don't know why I need to go to this thanksgiving party. This is the first year in almost 3 that's Keegan and I will be spending thanksgiving with someone else. "Hi honey" Veronica calls from behind the cracked door. "Come on in Veronica" she probably wants to talk about tomorrow's event. "How are you feeling, darling?" I can't lie to her, I feel way better. I've felt better for three days now, I just can't explain why I don't want to be around her son "I feel much better. I think I'm ready for this party tomorrow" she smiles and puts her hand on my thigh "good, I would really love for you to be here during this accomplishment in my life. You know how much Demarco's means to me" I place my hand on hers and say "I can't wait to be by your side tomorrow. Keegan and I will be on our best behavior" she gave me a look as if she was ready to tear up "you guys are amazing. I apologize for being so hard on you back then and I thank you for going to the restaurant that night" I didn't know how to respond to such a nice thing. All my body let me do was give Veronica a smile. Her family has given me a place to start over and be a parent. Tomorrow I know exactly what I'm going to say when they ask me what I'm thankful for; The Demarco's, even Declan.

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