Party girl.

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Sofia: come over!
Lia: be there soon.

I quickly got dressed in casual outfit. It's slowly but surely starting to warmer each day.

I texted Veronica and Declan in our group chat that I was going out with Sofia

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I texted Veronica and Declan in our group chat that I was going out with Sofia.

Veronica: okay sweetie.
Declan: see ya there
Lia: you're coming?
Declan: text me out of here.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag, ran downstairs and clicked on Declan's contact.

Lia: what's up?
Declan: were going to a party tonight, dress nice.
Lia: oh no, I'm not going. I'm going to Sofia's
Declan: yes baby girl, I know. But we're all here waiting for you to get here

    I put away my phone and started my car. I drove off and blasted my music.

"Hey girly!" Sofia chirped, she ran up and gave me a hug. "Hey, so can we talk?" I pointed to her room. She nodded and we walked in. "What's up Lia bear?" I sat down and she soon followed "were going to a party?" She jumped up "oh my god, yes! I was going to mention that when you showed up. Want to go get ready?" I shook my head "I don't want to go Sofia" she pulled me up from my wrist and twirled me around "come on, please Lia! Alex will be there and so will Declan" I rolled my eyes knowing what she was doing "fine but I don't like him Sofia, drop it" she squealed and ran into her closet. "What are you doing sof?" She turned around, gave me a smirk while hiding something behind her back "don't hate me, okay? Just wear this and don't say no" I reached out my hand to her "give me now" she smirked again and gave me a short, light pink dress

 "What are you doing sof?" She turned around, gave me a smirk while hiding something behind her back "don't hate me, okay? Just wear this and don't say no" I reached out my hand to her "give me now" she smirked again and gave me a short, light pin...

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My jaw touched the ground "absolutely not Sofia" she pointed to the bathroom and gave me the dress. I huffed and walked into the room and changed.

Every time I pulled down my dress it would pull down the top. I didn't like this dress one bit. I felt completely sick being in this. "Hey gu" justin and Declan stopped in their tracks "woah, you look stunning Lia" justin says. I blushed and put my head down hiding behind my hair. "Ew can we not flirt with my best friend, please? K thanks" I walked over to my purse and put it over my shoulders "I'm ready, what about you guys?" Declan came over to me and put his arm around me and whispered in my ear "stay close to me tonight, okay?" I gently moved away from him "I'll be fine dad" he smirked and walked away. We walked out to the car and drove to the party.

I was offered my 4th drink by justin but i denied. "you having fun?" I nodded and continued to sway to the music. He walks away from me. A random guy came closer to me "dance with me" he nicely demanded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. I knew I was drunk, I just needed to let loose and have fun. The guy and I danced for a while until he got too touchy with me. I pulled him to find a empty room in the house. When we found one he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. We started kissing, he flipped over and put me on top of him. I bent over and continued to kiss him. He wanted to take off my dress but i said no. I didn't want to have sex, this wasn't my plan of fun. "Here take this to ease your mind beautiful" I hesitated to take the pill but I soon took the pill from his hand and swallowed. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, I started feeling dizzy and fuzzy. "What's happening" he put his finger on my lips "shh" he pulled off my dress and I tried to fight back but I couldn't. I was so out of it that I didn't have enough strength to stop him. I cried out and he put his hand over my mouth "be quiet" I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped someone would come in.


Sofia, Justin, and I couldn't find Lia. They don't know what happened when she went to the hospital, they think she fell and got an concussion. In my head, I knew something is happening right now. "Reed when's the last time you saw her?" Looking at Justin " I offered her a drink an hour ago but she said no and I walked away" Sofia looked as if she was thinking "I haven't seen her since we got here Declan" she looked disappointed. I gave justin a look and he nodded understanding. "Sofia, stay here watching while Declan and I look for her." She groaned and did what she was told. Him and I ran off "Declan, she's okay. Go look upstairs and I'll look down here" I ignored him and ran up the stairs. I called out her name multiple times. Until I heard a girl crying. The door was locked and I started to panic. I busted down the door and saw a guy on top of a girl "help please" she pushed out. I ran over to the guy and pulled him off. I noticed it was Lia under the guy "get the fuck off of her!" The man started laughing and walked out with his hands up. I sat down on the bed and pulled her on top of me. "It's okay Lia, you're safe now" she cried heavily. I took her off of me and grabbed her hand "let's go home Lia" and we did so. 

Ps: Wow, 8K thank you guys so much for everything. Really means the world to have people support this book. I can't thank the people who are continuously reading it every time I post.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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