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"Ellie Marie Demarco" Declan whispered. He has been sitting on his phone for two hours. I've been laying down playing with my belly and watching shameless. "What did you say?" I asked him. "Ellie Marie Demarco" he said louder than before. "Who's that? Cousin?" He turned around and gave me a blank stare "what?" He asked. "Who's Ellie, Declan. What's so hard with that question" he face palmed his forehead. "Lia, our child." I sat up slowly, "oh my goodness Declan! Yes!" He pushed me back and got on top of me carefully. My smile started to fall. "What are you doing Declan?" He kissed me "just let me, please Lia" he begged. "Declan, you do know I was a virgin when I was.. you know" I said but quickly regretting telling him. He'll never stop making fun of me, fantastic. "Saving yourself for me baby girl?" I crooked a smile. "I'm serious Declan" he answered me with a kiss, then looked up at me with his deep brown eyes "Lia, I'll stop if you want me too. But if not? I'm not stopping." He demanded. He kissed me again, but deeper. I sat there and thought to myself what am I doing. With Declan? Ugh. It's like the dream I had a couple months ago but only difference is.. it's real. I pushed back "but I'm pregnant, what if we hurt the baby?" He continued to kiss me. He kissed me once last time until he got off of me. He jumped off the bed and walked to the door "wait, where are you going?" All I heard was a lock and the lights flicked off. He walked closer to me and took off his shirt. I crawled over to me and started deeply kissing me. I started pulling on his hair. He kissed down my jaw to my neck making me let out a whimper of his name. I could feel a smile on my neck. I mentally rolled my eyes but kept my focus on his tongue trailing down my neck. He sat me up to take off my shirt and bra. He cupped my breasts with his hands and started kissing my body. "You're so beautiful" he said softly.
"Shh, don't talk" I said. He laughed.

We were now both naked ready to start. "Are you sure?" He asks while holding my small hand in his. I close my eyes and nod. I'm scared, but it's something I want. He came up and whispered sweet nothings in my ear "it'll be okay, tell me to stop, and I will Lia. I promise you" I nodded once more and pulled his lips into mine. He grabbed my face and didn't let go. I tried pulled him in more but the space we once had between us disappeared. He kissed me once last time and I could feel Declan putting him inside of me. I heard someone close the door downstairs I was ready to say something to him but he covered my mouth "don't speak, I know" he picked up his pace and I started moaning louder and louder. "Declan" I pushed out. I needed more and more of him. What the fuck am I doing, I can't and shouldn't be wanting this but oh god, I do. "I'm.. I'm going to" he cut me off with a kiss and I released. He pulled out of me once he was done and he held me. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he said. I turned to my side and closed my eyes.


I woke up to being the only one in my bed. I looked down to see myself still naked from last night. I pulled the covers over ny head and groaned. I got up and took a long, hot shower. I stepped out and looked at the mirror, my eyes widened when I saw the mark Declan left on me "I'm going to kill him" I said to myself. I went into my room with my towel still around me and looked for my outfit.

I threw on jacket, hoping no one would see the hickey

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I threw on jacket, hoping no one would see the hickey. I walked out of my room down to the living room. I saw Declan and Justin sitting on the couch watching Adventure Time with Keegan. I walked into the kitchen that was in the same room as the living room.

I headed to the fridge and got a juice box and a apple

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I headed to the fridge and got a juice box and a apple. I took a bite of my apple and started to walk away until Declan appeared in my face, as usual. "How do you feel baby girl?" I smiled and grabbed his shirt and pulling him in to make him believe I was going to kiss him but instead I slapped his head "ouch! What the fuck was that for?" He yelled quietly. I removed my collar of my coat "this asshole!" He smiled and walked over to me. He grabbed my ass and came closer to my ear losing the space between us "now everyone could know you're mine" he moved back and winked at me. I was left speechless when he went to go sit down. "Um, I'm going to go hang out with uh Sofia. See ya" i said awkwardly. Fuck! Why does he do this to me. I should not have these feelings right now.

Sofia and I just ordered ice cream at a small a joint she used to go to when she was a child. "Isn't it so cute Lia? I can take my niece here!" I smiled "Ellie Marie" she looked confused "that's going to be the name sof" she got up and ran to my side of them booth. "Oh my god, are you serious?" She exclaimed. I nodded my head and she gave me a hug. She pulled away but paused. "Uh Lia?" I gave her a questioning face. "What's that on your neck?" She asked. Shit. Guess my coat plan didn't work. "Oh nothing, I burnt myself on the hair straightener this morning" I lied. "Are you serious right now? I'm not stupid! Who's it from? Justin? Someone I don't know? Someone I do..oh my god, no. Lia, you did not! It was Declan wasn't it" She said with excitement in her voice. I covered my face a showed one eye. I shrugged my shoulders and placed my head on the table "what is wrong with me sof?" I asked seriously. She told me to get up. "You like him and you just won't admit it. You don't want to rely on him to make you happy like he does because you're scared that one day, he'll up and leave and you won't be happy anymore" I looked out the window thinking about what she said. I don't know, I don't know what my problem is. "I know there's something with him and I. But i just don't know if i could do that" she shook her head in disbelief "you're never going to be happy until you let him love you the way he wants too because we all know he does. I rubbed my head out of frustration. "Can we just go home, please?" She shook her head and we left.

   I laid in my bed while everyone was out at the movies. I spent an hour thinking of what am I going to do with Declan. But speaking of the devil I just got a text from him.

Declan: you never answered my question, Lia.
Lia: what question was there to answer, Declan.
Declan: how do you feel?
Lia: I'm okay, just wanna go to sleep. Goodnight Declan..
Declan: I love you Lia.
Lia: no you don't. Goodnight.

  I didn't bother looking at his next text. I couldn't, I've never had a boy tell me they love me. I just can't do it.

   I cried and cried until my eyes were bloodshot. He's home, I can hear him in his room. I'm hoping he doesn't come in here. He hasn't slept in his room since I found out I was pregnant. It has been nice but I can't deal with him tonight. My door opened and I rolled my eyes. There goes my time. He slipped into bed and held me. I grabbed his hand and pulled it close. I started playing with his fingers and kissed them before I started falling asleep.

"I love you, Lia" was the last thing I heard.

Gah! Finally! I couldn't wait to show you guys this chapter❤️

Qoftc: what's your favorite tv show? Mine right now is shameless!

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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