Lover by Dawn

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It's been a whole month working here at Demarco's, and I love it but Veronica doesn't think i'm doing it the way she likes it. I don't know how to ask for help because I should have it down by now. I really don't want to be fired. Veronica had Johnny tell me to meet her in her office today and it worries me. My shift is now over with so I texted my aunt telling her I'll be late for dinner, She's been coming home with random guys and coming home drunk as all hell. Thankfully I hired a nanny for Keegan. I can't trust her and I don't want him alone there. It was so much easier working at back home in California because he was in school so I would just work school hours. Living in New York City is more expensive and I don't have to pay bills other than my phone bill but I use my parents money for that and the money I make here for Keegan and I. "Hey, she's ready for you Lia" my hands started to sweat when i got up and walked away "wish me good luck" he laughed and said "I think you'll do just fine" I thanked him and knocked on Veronica's door. "Come in" I walked in and took a seat "you needed to see me?" She put down her papers "yes, I'm firing you Lia" I knew it. "But Veronica, please. I've been trying my hardest." She pulled herself closer to her desk and took off her glasses "listen, Lia your hardest is just not good enough for my restaurant. I have a child to support and myself. Just like you so you would understand my dilemma here. You know where the door is, please find it and leave" I tried so hard to keep in the tears "I'm sorry I disappointed you Veronica" she said bye once more and I just left. I didn't bother saying bye to Johnny or anyone for that matter. Johnny and I have became closer in this last month, he's a very sweet guy but he's just not my type and I don't have time for a boyfriend.

"sissy!" Keegan waddled over to me. "Hi baby! How are you?" He jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss on the cheek "I'm okay, I missed you though. Do you want to play with me?" I kissed his forehead after I put him down "yes, let me eat my dinner first" he ran off with his Legos. I ran upstairs and threw my bag on my bed. I looked through twitter and went on my feed. Nothing really interesting for tonight. I finished my gnocchi and threw out the container. Keegan ran in with his bucket of toys and set them up on my bed "sissy, do you work tomorrow?" I put down the figure that was in my hand and sat him on my lap "um no honey, I won't be working for a couple weeks. So you have me all to yourself" he showed so much happiness in his small little face. I haven't seen that smile in weeks. He was only five when our parents died, but like I've said before they were never there so he has only known me to be his parent. He was the one to ask me if I could adopt him. I've always had the idea but I never knew how to bring it up to ask him. This little boy is basically my son and I don't have time to have people in my life who don't accept him as my own. "Alrighty bud, time for bed" he got up without any fuss and picked up his toys "it was really fun playing with you Lia, thank you". I grabbed his head lightly and kissed it. "sleep tight" I shut the door i went into my room. I laid in bed thinking about California, maybe NYC was a bad idea for us. I don't want to move back but I don't trust aunt Lilly as of right now.

After a few weeks of not working and playing with Keegan, I was getting very upset because I didn't have a job. The day I got fired up till now I have been looking for a job and nobody wants me. I need to get that job back. I just have no idea how. Do I beg? Do I ask Johnny? Johnny and I hung out last week and told me Veronica is looking for someone to take my place still. She is bitchy because she needs more people, so my plan is to come in and see if I could help and possibly get my job back. Today the nanny took Keegan out for a play date with his friends Jacob and Turner. He met them at the bouncy house we went to last week. He needs friends so when he asked me for permission I could not let him miss out.

I decided to go to the mall and see what kind of sales are going on. The last time I was here is when I saw Declan, he still is so familiar to me but I can not put my finger on it at all. It's starting to piss me off. I went into Victoria's Secret and got a few sweaters, I really love Victoria's Secret, I love their clothes, perfumes, everything. Maybe I should put in a application there. After, I handed in the papers and talked to a employee I walked to Old Navy to get Keegan some school clothes. I was texting my friend Carry from back home until I ran into a tall muscular figure "oof" I smacked my head on something hard which felt like a chin "watch when you're going lady" the man has a point "well, excuse" I stopped in mid sentence realizing who it was "Declan?" He gave me a strange look "and who are you?" Ouch, glad I'm easily forgotten. I guess, I understand because it was only a few minutes of talking when we first met "Lia, we met here a couple months ago. I literally fell into your arms" he started laughing because apparently me falling is funny "yes, yes. I do remember that. You have a thing of falling, huh?" Asshole "no, I do not. How rude." He gave me a small smirk "you're really attractive Lia" I think I blushed a little harder than I thought because soon after he joked about it. He came closer to me "You wanna come home with me?" He asked "ew no, you freak! Get away from me" he was a disgusting pig! Yup a big fat one too. Actually, he had really great abs, and if you're wondering how I knew that, well they were sticking out of his very tight black shirt. I'm not like a stalker who watches him through a window, I swear. "Fine, suit yourself beautiful, you'll miss a great night" I hate boys! Why are they so fucking gross! "um bye" I hope to god I don't see him again.

I successfully went shopping today, got 2 sweaters, a pair of jeans, a pair of Yeezes for myself and 4 shirts, 5 pairs of pants, a special gift, 2 Lego sets and a pair of Yeezes to match my mine for Keegan. He starts school in a week and his birthday is tomorrow. I want to surprise him with the shoes and his Lego sets tonight. I still have time to stop at Demarco's and see if Veronica needs me and to wrap his presents. I pull into their parking lot and got out of the car. "Here goes nothing" I ran across the busy city street and got to the door. I saw Johnny at the podium but it looked to busy to talk to him so I just walked into Veronica's office "who is it?" I was chocked up "excuse me, who is it" I started sweating and finally got the nerve to reply "it's Lia, Veronica." I heard shuffling in the room "oh dear, come on in" I opened the door and saw her putting away papers, hence the running around noises. "Hi Veronica." She looked back and smiled "hello, what do you want or need. Why are you here? Didn't I fire you?" I started playing with my fingers, nervously before I asked her. "I'm here to ask you if I could get my job back" she rapidly shook her head "absolutely not, Lia. You are just too slow for this job" I sat up looking professional "Veronica, please. You said it yourself that i understand your struggles of a single parent and having to support your child well, I need to support mine and I have looked for other jobs, but this one is the one I want and to work hard for, please. I'm literally begging you. I will get on my knees, I don't care if that's not professional or not" I continued on with my case as to why I should work here "ya, don't beg, that's weird" I was about to reply but she stuck her finger out signally me to stop talking "but I will give you your job back on one condition" she sounds like me talking to Keegan "oh thank you! Thank you! I will not let you down again" i said not caring what the condition was. "Lia, I'm serious. You have one last chance. And the condition is, the second I have to tell you to work faster? You're out" wow, this may be harder than I thought. "I promise to not let you down" she smiled and got up walking towards the door "good, now leave. I'll see you in on Friday" oh good, not on Keegan's birthday. I left the room, thanking her again.

I texted Johnny that I got the job, again. I am finally home wrapping Keegan's birthday presents. I can not believe my little boy is seven tomorrow. "Sissy!" I hear his little baby voice "in my room baby" I can hear his little feet tapped the hardwood floors "hi Lia! Guess what?" I smiled so brightly looking at him. His hair was so blonde, it was always in his face. He never wants me to get it cut, he has the brightest blue eyes, and the biggest smile. "What, what?" He starting jumping loudly "it's my birthday tomorrow!" I got up and put him in my arms "you think I would forget such a special day?" He vigorously shook his head "no! But did you get me a gift?" I put him down and started laughing " one here" I say patting the bed. He jumped up face first, pushing himself up with his little arms. I pulled the 3 big and the 1 small gifts out from under the bed "here ya go honey" he face lit up with excitement " 4 presents, a day before my birthday? I'm a lucky boy!" Aunt Lilly then walked in drunk, "guys will you shut the fuck up, please? I am trying to accompany my guest in my room, thanks" I pulled Keegan close to me. We both apologized to her. "Whatever." She said walking out of my room. I got up and locked the door. "Okay buddy, open up quietly" i said sitting down beside him again. He started opening the lego's first. He gave me a huge hug after he saw them "thank you, thank you!" I kissed his forehead "you're welcome baby. But 2 more okay?" He nodded his head yes "you got me yeezes?" He couldn't really pronounce it very well, which was highly adorable. "Shh, yes I did. We have matching ones too!" He hugged me once more. "Alright, the last one okay? This one if only for a big boy, are you a big boy?" He said yes and reached out for his last gift "here ya go" he opened the small box that had a chain inside that said "Lia loves you" he gave me a confused look "what's this sissy?" I pulled my hair back and put the chain on him "now you'll know, I'll never let anything bad happen to you because I love you so so much, okay?" He rubbed his eyes showing me that he starting to get tired "I love it sissy, I love you" i ruffled his hair "I love you too, now let's go to sleep birthday boy" he gave me a small smile and picked up his mess. I let him crawl into bed with me. We both cuddled up to each other and fell fast asleep.

This is the start of a good life.

I still can't believe this is my second book, omg!😬

I hope everyone loves it! Let me know how feel about the story!

Xoxo😘- Aryanna

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