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   fuck, the silent alarms. I completely forgot about those. I looked at the time when the cops showed up. We only slept for maybe 2 hours. "excuse me, you do know that this is private property?" I was frightened with the ideas that were running in my head as to what they would do with me and Keegan and who they would call first to report this, Lilly or Veronica. "Excuse me. I asked a question." I straightened myself up "yes sir, but I have the keys. I work here" I didn't want to tell them about the event that happened last night in front of Keegan. "I'm calling the owner, then their parents" said one of the cops. There was 4 cops all together. The one looked like he didn't want to be here and the other 3 looked as if I killed a man. "No! My parents died and he's my child." The one cop stopped the women cop  and whispered something to her. "you're his parent miss?" I nod my head "yes, well sorta. He's my brother that I adopted when our parents died" he grabbed his head looking stressed "okay, the owner said to keep you here until she gets here. So stay put."

  "Lia, what in the world are you doing here?" Veronica ran in upset, causing the cops to be on edge. "Veronica, I'm so sorry. A lot happened at home and I needed to bring Keegan away from it." I told her secretly. "You'll explain when we get home." I looked at her with confusion "we? Home?" She frowned "yes, you're coming home with me" I picked up Keegan and placed our stuff in my arms, keeping him covered. We walked out of her office to talk to the cops. "Everything is fine here guys, thank you." The one cop closed his notepad "but ma'am, she broke in" Veronica started talking to him and I woke up Keegan. "Hey handsome, we're going to go to that nice lady house and sleep okay?" He looked scared do to all the cops. He rubbed his eyes and nodded. Veronica motioned us to come follow her. The cops left and we soon followed.

  I couldn't stop thanking Veronica for taking us in like that. I'm nervous to tell her what happened to make me leave Lilly's. I was shown where we'll be sleeping. I put Keegan back to bed and went downstairs to find her. "I'm ready to talk when you are" she pointed to a chair to sit in. She gave me two cookies and a cup of milk. "Why did you break in?" I put down the cookie I was about to place in my mouth. "I apologize for doing such a thing, but I, I was raped by my aunts" she stopped me "go to bed, please. You will not go back to that house. You're staying here. Take the week off Lia" I was shocked by what she said to me. She was being so nice to me, I've never seen her be so thoughtful. I thanked her and went upstairs to go to bed.


   I woke up to Keegan not being there but I heard him downstairs laughing loud. I smiled to myself and picked out an outfit from my book bag and threw on my Nikes.

 I just finished brushing my hair and doing my make up

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I just finished brushing my hair and doing my make up. I went to go downstairs but I ran into a male figure, I'm getting very tired of running into people to be honest with you. "Lia?" He says. I look up to see Declan. Before I could say something he spoke again, "so you decided to come to my place after all?" I ignored his comment and said "Declan? why are you here?" He grabbed his stomach and started laughing. "I live here you dork" I swear my jaw touched the ground. "You're Veronica's son? Oh my god" he continued to laugh "how do you know my mom is the better question" I was just about to answer his question until his mother came upstairs with Keegan in her arms "well, I'm glad you two met. Declan, this is Keegan and Lia. They will be living here and you are not going to make a fool out of yourself in front of our guest" she patted his chest and walked away with Keegan. "Who's the little boy? You're son?" Declan asked. I zipped up my coat and said "he's my brother, that I adopted as my son" he smirked and put his arm on the side of my head and placed his other hand in my zipper "don't zip that up beautiful, you're taking away my view" I smacked him "you're disgusting, you know that?" I said walking away. I didn't look back and continued my way walking downstairs. I heard foot steps follow me. "Go away, Declan" I went into the fridge to make myself so breakfast. His arms wrapped around my waist. Ever since that night, I don't enjoy being touched. "Get off me now, Declan." I said sternly. He smiled into my neck "but my room is just upstairs and they left. We're alone, now you can stop acting like you don't want me" I turn around and smacked him for the second and probably not the last time. "God damn, you're so feisty. Sexy." He winked at me. I grabbed my breakfast and went upstairs to my new room. It's very pretty, it has dark gray walls and white furniture with black throw pillows and blankets. Last night, when I got out of the car and saw the house, I almost shat myself when I realized how humongous her house was. In the car she told me that we will be getting our own rooms, she just needs to clean out mine so for right now I'll be in Keegan's room. The only bad thing is, my room will be right across from Declan's.  He kept knocking on my door trying to get me to come out for a good 10 minutes but he then stopped because a phone started to ring, I'm guessing it was one of his booty calls.

  Keegan and Veronica are still gone, I hope he's okay. Lilly has texted me multiple times asking where I am. I will go back there soon to get my stuff and explain. I don't know if I should tell her what happened with George. The night has haunted me in my sleep for the past 2 nights. I jump even when Keegan touches me. I still think and ask myself why and how I could let him do that to me. I thought I was completely weak. I remained frozen through the whole thing, his body just took over me.  I started crying softly, trying not to be heard. I haven't heard any noise in the house since Declan answered his phone and went downstairs, so I think I'm alone. I let out more tears until I heard my door being knocked on "Lia, are you crying?" Declan asked outside of the door, I rolled my eyes and wiped away the tears "no, I'm watching a movie. I'm fine" I got up and looked in the mirror and fixed myself up and went to the door. I opened it to see him standing there "don't lie to me Lia" I went to shut my door and walk away but he put his foot in between the door making it stop closing. "What Declan? What do you need?" He grabbed my arm gentility but I pulled away "can I come in please?" I shook my head no. "I want to be alone, please" he didn't say anything, he just walked away. I shut my door and laid on my bed and fell asleep crying hard then I was before. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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