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The thought of having sex with Declan makes my stomach turn. I think he is attractive, but I could never, ew. I never want to speak or think about that dream. I walked down stairs to go sit in the living room. I sat down on the couch and clicked through the channels. Hallmark was still playing Christmas movies so I put one of them on. I picked up my phone off the cushion and went down my twitter feed. All I saw was new followers, tags, comments and a few dms. I clicked out of twitter and went on Instagram. Again only saw was tags, comments and new followers. I decided to post a picture of myself. I fixed up my hair and my make up. I put a caption an tagged a couple people and posted. I threw my phone down and continued to watch the movie.

"Mind if I join?" Declan asks. I look up at him and nod my head. He sat down next to me and watched. "That movie wasn't half bad. That could be us Lia" I tucked my hair back behind my ear and ignored his comment. "Why don't you like me Lia?" He asks a few minutes later. I look over and one my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I do like him. I really do, but I don't think it's the way he wants me too "what type of like Declan?" I ask. He cleared his throat "as a friend" I stopped texting and replied "I do like you as a friend Declan. I thought we were doing okay?" He gives me a soft smile "no, no we were, I mean we are but you just seem distant since that kiss" he's right. I don't know how to talk about it. "Ya, I apologize. I don't really know how to just talk about that" he gave me a confused look "why? It's not like I like you or you like me so?" He said as a question. I don't know why or how that made me feel like shit. It kind of hurt. Did I want him to like me? No, I can't want that it's Declan. I don't understand how he gets me this way. He always has me second guessing my thoughts. I do not like Declan. He's nothing but my bully and I will not allow myself to feel that way for him. "Ya, I don't like you but I still didn't know how to bring it up" he laughed "not a big deal baby girl, nothing really to bring up." He tapped my head and got off the couch "I'll see you around Lia. I'm going to hang out with Justin". I didn't bothered to answer him. I looked back at the tv and sat there for the rest of the night.


She gives me a headache. I can not stand her. Fuck, why do I feel this way towards her. I'm not the girlfriend type of guy. I don't want any girl to be in my life like that but her, oh god her don't even get me started. I remember telling her I liked her the day I was drunk, I couldn't tell her that though. I parked my car and walked up to Justin's house. I knocked on his door and his mom answered "hey honey, Justin is upstairs. Come on in" I walked in and ran upstairs. "Hey Reed" i said "hey Demarco, what's up?" He asked. "Lia man." He chuckled while putting on his sweater "dude, just tell her you like her. You don't have a problem telling a girl you want to fuck her, I don't understand the problem here dude." I groan out loud. "Because she doesn't feel the same" he threw his arms behind his head and closed his eyes "man, if you really think that, you're an idiot. She talks about you all the time to Sofia" I heard someone running past his room "yep, that's me!" Sofia said jumping into his room. "What about me?" She asks sweetly. "Sofia, doesn't Lia like" she cuts justin off "Declan? Oh yes, she hasn't admitted it but I can most definitely sense it" I rubbed my face in frustration. "Guys, you're ridiculous, you know how closed off Lia is with me" they were both quiet so I looked at them back and forth "what?" I asked. They then gave me a duh face. "Tell her" they said in sync. I rolled my eyes, got up and left. I got into my car and drive off to the bar.


I was still in the living room watching Hallmark when I heard Declan come in. "Hi Lia" he slurred. Oh god, here we go again. "Hi" he plopped down onto the couch and put his arm around me "Lia, you're so pretty." I tired to hold in my laughter "um thanks Declan" I said. "You're making fun of me huh? That's not very nice Lia" he joked. I let out my laugh and he started laughing too. "Lia, I think, I really think" and bam. He fell asleep. Half of me what's to know what he was going to say but a half of me doesn't. I can't take another fight with him. I just want to go to sleep. I try to get up but he pulls me in. "Don't go" he whispered to me. I rubbed his head and placed me head back on the back of the couch and fell asleep soon after with him still in my lap.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Xoxo 💋-Aryanna

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