the past

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"No need for me to wait for the results, I know in my heart that you are my daughter. I can even see the undeniable resemblance between us"  -Florent Denois

4 years ago

I read all the letters inside the chest and it was all from a certain Florent Denois. Then at the bottom part of it, there was a picture of my mom and a man, the same man that was on the other photo. Then I noticed a small rectangular thing, I picked it up and confirmed that it was a calling card. I frowned when I saw the address written in it was in London, England. I remembered my mom told me that if she died, I would find this man.

I brought out my cellphone and dialed the number but unfortunately the number wasn't in use anymore. I inspect the card and saw the name of a company at the top part. Denois International. I began searching for it online. It was one of the biggest companies in Europe. Their number was written in their official website so I tried to dial it. A woman answered the phone after 4 attempts.

"Hello, this is Denois International. May I help you?" The woman said politely on the other side. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Yes. This is Carina Westbay. I was just wondering if I could talk to Mr. Florent Denois?" I asked reluctantly, unsure of what to say if she asked my reason.

"Mr. Denois is not here right now. I will inform him about you when he gets back and if he knows you, he will call you back"

"No, he doesn't know me but I guess he knows my mom Anna Marie Westbay. Please tell him I need to talk to him. This is important" I said and she assured me to tell him. I wasn't sure yet but I already had an idea who Florent Denois was. I waited for his call for hours but I didn't receive any. I didn't want to go back to the penthouse to see Regan so I decided to stay in our house.

My phone has been ringing continuously but I didn't answer. He kept on calling me. He even texted me many times but I didn't read his texts. I just stared at our picture in my phone while crying. I felt like I would past out any minute because of too much crying. I've loved him so much that the pain was unbearable too. I closed my eyes, wanting to just drift off to sleep, hoping that when I woke up, I would realize that this was all just a dream.

Then my phone rang again. I picked it up and was about to turn it off when I saw that it wasn't Regan. My heartbeat became faster. I pressed the answer button reluctantly.

"H-Hello?" I said in an unsure small voice.

"Hello. This is Florent Denois. Anna, is it you?" His voice was expectant and seemed kind. I heaved a sigh and answered.

"No Mr. Denois. This is her daughter, Carina. I called you because my mom mentioned your name before she died. She told me to find you" I heard him gasped

"A-anna is dead?" His voice was suddenly became sad.

"Yes sir. She died 3 months ago. I just want to know who you were in my mom's life. Are you my father?" I asked reluctantly. I didn't want to ask this on the phone but I didn't have a choice. Maybe this was my first and last time talking to him so better ask him about the things that's been bugging me. He didn't answer for how many seconds. My hand held my phone tightly as I waited for him to answer my question.

"I can't answer that but if you want, we can meet and talk about this" I felt relief washed over me. At least he was willing to discuss the matter with me.

"Yes sir. I would appreciate it very much but I don't know how to. I live in the US and from the information I read, you live in the UK?"

"It's okay. I attended an important matter here in Canada and was about to go home but I guess I have to change my plans and drop by there. Let's meet tomorrow morning" I didn't know what to feel. Suddenly he was going to meet me. The events were too fast that I didn't have time to analyze it but I was glad that he wasn't a snob rich person I initially thought. I told him our meeting place and cut the call off.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now