Anger and Jealousy

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  "Of course I had fun. Gian is my best friend and I missed hanging out with him so I went out with him" -Carina


 He walked towards our table and picked Scarlet up onto his arms. Gian was shocked while staring at him and said something that I couldn't hear because of the noise from the cheering people. I could see Regan's face became more furious. I quickly approached them because I could tell that they were already having a heated argument.

"What are you doing here Regan?" I asked him almost whispering because the eyes of all the people were focused on us.

"Not now Carina. Let's go home and we'll talk there" He said coldly and grabbed my hand as we walked towards the exit. Gian followed us until to the parking lot with a worried face.

"Dude you don't have to be angry. We're just having fun. It's just a friendly date" Gian tried to explain but his face remained stoic. He deposited Scarlet at the backseat and buckled her up. Before he turned and faced Gian with blazing eyes.

"I am not asking for your explanation Mr. Arthur. Now if you don't mind, I am taking MY FAMILY back home" He said emphasizing the words possessively. I groaned inwardly looking at him. From the look of him right now, I could already sense that we would be having an argument later. He opened the from passenger door for me when I remembered about the car I used to get here.

"Bryan will be driving the other car. Let's go" He said like he has read what's on my mind. If I remember it right, Bryan is one of his friends.

"Sorry Gian. We need to go now. I had fun" I said apologetically but he just smiled and nodded his head, aware of the deathly glare Regan was throwing at him. I rolled my eyes at how grumpy he was being.


The drive to the house was quiet between us aside from Scarlet who was talking nonstop about Gian and our dinner which made Regan's face became angrier. He was obviously gritting his teeth and gripping the steering wheel tightly. Oh my God! He's really pissed. I think I've done something bad this time. Did I?

When we arrived home, Scarlet and I went to her room directly and I helped her clean herself. When I tucked her to be, she was already thumb sucking and almost fell asleep immediately without even requesting me to read her story. I kissed her forehead and went out of her room after I made sure she was already sound asleep.

I opened the door to our room and was surprise that Regan wasn't there as I expected. I took a bath and brushed my teeth before I lied on the bed with an uneasy feeling. I wanted to sleep immediately but my tired and anxious brain wouldn't allow me to. I heaved a frustrated sigh and went downstairs to drink a glass of milk. I opened the refrigerator and fished out for the fresh milk when I felt presence behind me. I didn't turn on the lights because the moon was illuminating the way from the glass windows.

I snapped my head to check who it was and I saw Regan standing near the kitchen island. He was still wearing his pants but he was topless and bare footed. I swallowed hard when he began approaching me. I closed the refrigerator without knowing it. His muscular body was sauntering to me while the light from the moon allowed me to get a good look of his body. When he was at least a few inches away from me, I noticed that he was drunk.

Talking to him with this state right now would be useless so I decided to just go back to our room. I tried walking pass him but his hand was quick to grab my hand. He yanked me to him and my face landed on his hard chest.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed but he remained expressionless. He brought his hand at the back of my head and tugged my hair with a little bit of force and made me look at him. I didn't have a choice but to stare into his fiery eyes. I could feel his breathe fanning my face.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now