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WARNING!!! This chapter has a MATURE content intended for adult readers (18 years old and above). Read at your own risk!!!


  "You don't know how much I've been dreaming of hearing that again from you. God! If I am dreaming right now, I don't want to ever wake up"- Regan  


We both groaned with pleasure as we both felt each other's body with need and yearning for each other. We just parted to breath for air. He smiled at me with delight and I couldn't help but to smile too. I just realized how much I missed his touch and kisses. His eyes were burning with desire as he guided me to lay down on the bed. It felt like the world stood still, the time froze as we both gazed into each other. Then it felt like a slow motion as he dipped his head and captured my waiting lips once again for an earth shattering kiss. It felt like the temperature in the room risen and I suddenly felt hot.

I automatically snaked my arms around his neck as I responded to his touch and kisses. The anger and jealousy I was feeling faded as he expertly made me surrendered to him completely. Whenever he touched me like this, he never failed to make me reciprocate to him with all my heart. In a matter of seconds, he took off our clothes. His actions became more needy, aggressive but gentle at the same time. From the way he was touching me, he made me feel how much he desired me.

"You're so beautiful kitten" He murmured as he caught one of my nipples with his hungry mouth. I let out a moan. His hands began parting my legs and positioned himself in between. I felt how hard he was as he deliberately brushed his c*ck against my aching core. I bit my lower lip as I closed my eyes, waiting for his next move.

"Look at me kitten" He said throatily as he continued his delicious ministrations with my body. I obliged and his eyes full of love was what greeted me. I could see how he gritted his teeth like he was summoning all his will power not to plunge inside me yet. He grabbed a pillow and put it under my butt then he raised my legs and put each over his shoulders. I gasped because I could totally see our intimate parts in our position. He rubbed his member against my wetness for a couple of times before he began his intrusion.

"Oh...."I whimpered as I close my eyes again because of the sudden attack of pleasure.

"Open your eyes. I want you to see" I heard him grunted. My eyes opened and I saw him staring between us while he continued moving forward. I saw how his manhood began disappearing between my legs and that added to the fire I was feeling. Just the sight of it made me trembled with increasing anticipation and need. When he was buried to the hilt, he stared into my eyes triumphantly. I could see the joy in his eyes as he stared at me.

"You feel so good kitten. I can't get enough of you" He breathe as he began moving in and out of me. I continued watching how our s*xes collided against each other with added force in each thrust. I couldn't take my eyes away. I felt embarrassed but the desire and lust that I was feeling were more powerful. Our ragged breaths synchronized accompanied by moans of ecstasy.

He let down my legs to his side as he leaned over and kissed me roughly as his thrusts became faster. His hands began playing with my breasts. The pleasure was almost unbelievable as he whispered sweet nothings to me. When his right hand descended between us and massaged my cl*t, that made me lose it. The mind-boggling ecstasy became so overwhelming that I exploded. My body jerked uncontrollably, my legs buckling as my screams stifled against his mouth.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now