her sudden decision

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A/N: Hello guys! I had to make this chapter like this in order to achieve the ending that i want. I hope you understand and I hope you like this update. Enjoy!!!


...If someone loves you, they will come back no matter what...  


"No! I don't believe you! You're lying!" I laughed sarcastically at him and motioned Steve, one of Daniel's men to play the video on the laptop and show it to Russel. When the video played, his eyes widened as he saw himself on the footage. He tried to wiggle out of the chair he was tied onto but he couldn't get out of it.

"Let me go!" He shouted while glaring at me but I just smirked at him.

"If you don't want your parents to know about this and disinherit you, then tell me everything about what happened that night. Who planned everything?" I asked him sternly. I zeroed my eyes to him, trying to intimidate him. He remained silent and my temper began to snap.

"Tell me right now or else I'll send the copy to your parents and at the same time to the police" I warned him and he instantly looked defeated and scared at the same time. I knew Russel. He's a selfish coward.

"I'll count from 1 to 5! This is your last chance!" I roared angrily and began counting. I knew he would eventually give in because the last thing he would want to happen was to be disowned by his parents. 

I knew that his father gave him an ultimatum not to drag their name into shame once again. He was his parent's problem because of his constant gambling. He kept on having affairs even though was already married. His father discovered all of it and he gave him his last warning.

"Stop! I'll tell everything I know okay? Just don't do it" He begged and I wanted to celebrate but I remained emotionless.

"Rosie and Tiffany planned it all. Rosie wanted to get rid of Carina and your daughter so that she could have a chance to be with you. Tiffany wants to take her revenge on you that's why she participated in Rosie's plans. 

She hated you because her parents disowned her after they found out the real reason why you divorced her" My hand formed into a tight fist upon hearing his revelation. I wanted to hurt them too but I couldn't take the justice on my hands.

"What do you mean about Rosie wanting to get rid of my daughter and Carina?" I asked through gritted teeth. I couldn't even recognized my own voice. It sounded deadly.

"She wanted to kill them. She initially planned to put a poison in Scarlet and Carina's food but she changed her mind because there were a lot of people. So she changed her plans. I don't know about her next move though" That's it. 

Before I could stop myself, my fist flew straight to his face. I was so mad that I continued on punching his face until I felt Daniel and Steve stopped me. Russel's face was now bloody. I was breathing hard because of rage. I never thought that I was capable of this kind of hatred towards a person. The overwhelming feeling of wanting to hurt somebody was new to me too.

"You! You will tell all of these to the police or else I will destroy you and your family!" I spat at him with a menacing tone. I could see the hesitation in his eyes but he nodded his head in agreement.


After that, I went out of the rest house because the signal inside was low and I called attorney Santiago. I told him about what happened. He devised a plan and I agreed to his every suggestion. I gave him the authority to arrange all the things that needed to be done so that Tiffany could be arrested as well. Rosie was now wanted by the authority after what he did to us yesterday.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now