Her trap

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Hello everyone! I decided to have an early update because of all the requests. Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments! It really motivates me a lot! Please tell me what you think of this chapter by leaving a COMMENT. Don't forget to VOTE and SHARE too. 😚

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 "Cat got you tongue? Do you really think Regan is loyal to you? Of course not. Loyalty Is far from his vocabulary. Look at him. He came to me the moment we saw each other again" -Tiffany


I wanted to go there immediately but I suddenly have this uneasy feeling inside me that I couldn't comprehend. I took a deep sigh and looked at my daughter who was now staring at me with a curious look on her face.

"Mommy that lady said daddy is upstairs. Let's go" She said as she pulled my hand. It felt like the time became so slow while we're on our way upstairs. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it's about to pop out of my chest. The anxiety I was feeling was getting worst as we approach the room. Why would he go inside a room with someone?

When we were in front of the room that Rosie was talking about, I knocked reluctantly but nobody was answering or even opening the door. I knocked again and still no answer. Then I heard someone moaning loudly and that made me more hesitant to knock again.

"Mommy, somebody is inside. Maybe its daddy" My daughter said and was about to open the door but I stopped her.

"Stay here and wait for mommy okay? I will just check it if was daddy or not" She nodded her head and went to the single sofa at the mini living room just across the room. There was even a TV there and a grand piano at the corner. Rosie's house really is beautiful but it doesn't feel homey. I don't know why.

I turned around and look at the door in front of me, having second thoughts on knocking again. I was really hesitant to open the door but my instinct was telling me that Regan was inside. I took a deep breath and opened the door without knocking and to my surprise, it wasn't locked. I looked inside and the scene I saw almost broke my sanity, making my heart felt like somebody stabbed it many times. 

Regan was lying there naked on the bed while a girl was on top of him. They were both naked. Regan's eyes were closed but the moment he opened his eyes and realized what was happening and that I was there at the doorway, looking at them, he looked so shocked and pushed the girl off of him immediately and got off the bed and started putting his clothes on in a hurry.

"It's not what you think Kitten. I don't know what happened-----" The things he was saying didn't registered in my head as my eyes stared at the woman who was smirking smugly at me. She didn't even bothered covering her nakedness. I never thought I would see her again after all these years but I did. She was right in front of me. She's real. My tears fell from my eyes as I looked at Regan who was now properly dressed. He tried to touch me but I swatted his hand away.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted angrily.

"Hello Carina. Still remember me?" The woman asked while smiling sarcastically at me. I looked at him in disgust but he was just shaking his head. His eyes had unshed tears threatening to fall down and were like begging me not believe what I saw and whatever the woman was about to say.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now